Good Night, My Star.

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After 16 mins of walking, Iida stops at his tracks. "We are here, you can open your eyes now." y/n opens their eyes to a fancy restaurant that says "The Beauty of Two Worlds" on the top. "Wow, it looks so big!" y/n said with a big smile on their face. "Yeah, it is!" Tenya did a hand chopping motion then looks at y/n blushing a little bit and he blushes as well.

They entered the restaurant, Iida made a reservation for them before Valentine's Day. They sat at a table next to the window where you can see the view of the city. After they ordered their food and drinks, y/n looked through the window to see the tall buildings in front of them. "This city looks so cute from up here."

"Yeah but it's not as c-cute as you." Said Tenya while he was about to take his last bit of food. "I-um- think y-you are cute too." They quickly look down at their food and start to finish their food.

After they were done eating, y/n asked Tenya if he's interested in going to the bookstore. "Sure, I would like to." They headed to a bookstore called "Mino's Bookstore" , one of Tenya and y/n favorite places to go but they go to the one nearby their school. They both went separate ways to get their books.

After y/n was done getting their manga they needed, they went to look for Tenya. Y/n finds Tenya in the "History" section. "Hey, Tenya, whatcha looking at there?" He jumped a little bit then looked at y/n.

"I-I'm just looking a-at the history of King Arthur." "Oooo, that sounds interesting, I think the documentary of that is on Koflix!" He gave y/n a smoothe smile. "Oh yeah that reminds, I want to show you something before we go back home." Y/n said to Iida. "Okay, I'm ready to go." Iida said, hand chopping the air.

After they paid for their books, y/n brings Iida to a park to surprise him. "Okay, Tenya, I want you to close your eyes, don't open them until I tell you to." "Okay." Y/n puts a blanket down on the grass and then puts a basket of snacks on top of the blanket. "Okay, open your eyes!"

Tenya opens his eyes to see a little picnic on the ground and he smiles. "Y-you didn't have to-" "I wanted to because it reminds me of our first date and sunset looks beautiful from up here." Y/n gives Iida a big smile. Y/n and Iida sat down and ate some snacks while they were looking at the sunset. "Tenya, I got another surprise for you." 

Y/n takes out a present from their backpack, the present had navy blue wrapping on it. Iida opens the present to see a bullet journal and a book that says "The beginning of Engines." "Wow, thank you, y/n!" Iida gave y/n a big hug. "No problem, you always say that you wanted to get a new bullet journal because you were running out of pages." Y/n was glad that Iida liked his gift.

"I also have another surprise for you but you have to close your eyes." y/n closed their eyes then felt a kiss on their lips, they kissed back. They separate their lips from each other, their faces turning bright red like a tomato.

"L-Let's get g-going before it g-gets dark!" He said then did a hand chopping motion. "Y-Yeah, you r-right!" They started to pack their stuff and threw their trash away.

After they were done cleaning, they started to head to the station to get home. They sat down next to one of the doors on the train, y/n started to slowly fall asleep on Iida's shoulders "I love you." y/n mumbled while they were sleeping. Iida held their hand and gave them a kiss on the forehead. "I love you too."

When y/n heard their station name, y/n and Iida got up to exit the station. "Thank you, Tenya for the date, I really loved it!" "No problem, thank you again for the gift." Y/n and Iida stopped at y/n's house, y/n gave Iida a hug and kissed him on the lips, he kissed them back. "Bye, Tenya, see you tomorrow." Y/n walked up their door. "See you later, Star!" 

Then y/n opens the door to see their mom laying on the couch watching a cooking show on TV. "Hey sweetie, how was your date?" Mom wrinkled at y/n whose face was turning red. "I-It was amazing!" "Did you eat yet?" "I did." "Okay, that's good, if you are still hungry, we have food on the stove." "Okay, mom." "Oh and Y/n there is a package for you, I put it in your room." "Thanks, mom."

Y/n went upstairs to take a shower, put on their pajamas, brush their teeth, and opened the package. In the package was a figure of one of your favorite characters in anime. They got a note that says "I hope you like your figure from Tenya Iida." Y/n was so happy he got that for them. Before they went to bed, they texted Iida before going to sleep.

Y/n: Thank you so much for the figure!

Tenya: I'm glad you like it.

Y/n: Well, good night Tenya, see you tomorrow!

Tenya: Good night, Star.

                                                                                                    The End

Tenya Iida x Reader: A Valentine Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now