Chapter 2

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!!!TW!!! Dr*g abuse!!!


"Holy-!" Evan gasped, feeling a chill go down his spine as he flipped back around. "Oh man I'm so sorry..." Evan explained, trying to get out what he was doing, but nonetheless stumbling over his words. "Hey... It's all good." The strange man smirked before adjusting his hair. Evan's eyes traveled from his chest all the way up to his face. He was only a bit taller than Evan. He had thin, pink lips and a pale face. He had freckles dusted on his nose, and cheek bones . He had a wolf cut hair style, fluffy and light brown- his eyes however locked with Evan's honey brown ones. He had one blue eye and one light grey eye- they were basically the same color but up close you could see the difference. Evan was to say the least intimidated. "That's my car." He said simply, pushing past Evan and towards the door. "I'm so sorry... it is a beautiful car!" He admitted, trying to  make up for invading the other's privacy. "I know." The other said simply before turning. "My name is Jonathan." He said softly, throwing his bag into the back.

"...Evan." Vanoss said softly, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Well... are you gonna get in or not?" Jonathan sighed, checking his pocket watch. "Because if you get caught you know you're gonna have to go back to class and I'm sure you don't want to do that." He simply said, shrugging. Evan knew the other one was right. "But my car..." He said, glancing over and holding his breath. Jonathan sighed and nodded "Okay okay, we'll come back later." He said softly before getting into his driver's seat. Evan quickly waltzed over to the passenger's seat. "So why exactly did you need for me to come?" 

"To be honest I'm not quite sure but all I know is that you're one dumb sucker to get into my car. Have you ever heard of stranger danger?" He snickered and leaned down into his seat.

"O-oh shit you're right." Evan laughed softly before glancing over. "So uh where do you live?" Evan asked the other. He was nervous to say the least, sitting in the passenger seat of one of the most expensive cars in the world. Evan took a long, deep breath and felt himself vibrate with the car. Jonathan had started the car and they started towards Evan's neighborhood. "Oh I live on Aspen road." He said, pulling up to the richer part of Evan's neighborhood. "You live over here?!" Evan gasped and Jonathan nodded. "The house towards the end of the street." Jon pointed out as he pulled into their drive way, opening their garage with a key he had in his car compartment. "Woah..." Vanoss' jaw was basically on the floor as they entered their 4 car garage. "This is crazy!" He laughed and excitedly tapped the seat with his hands. "Come inside," Jonathan said, walking out into the house. He followed Jonathan like a lost puppy, grabbing at his stuff and going into the other's house. "Usually I'd tell you if you to take your shoes off but my parents aren't home- I don't think, so do as you please." Jon said with a small yawn. Evan unlaced his shoes quickly and followed the other up the stairs. 

"Jonathan is that... you?" A yell came from the bedroom. Evan jumped and then waited for Jonathan to respond. "Yeah, it's me, mom." He sighed opening the door to the left. His mother was folding clothes and placing them into the king sized mattress that laid in front of them. "Oh! You brought a friend." Evan shyly waved and smiled, Jonathan stepping between the two and shrugged simply. "Yeah this is... Evan." He said, turning to the side to show his mom. She held out her hand and Evan reluctantly shook. She was beautiful- middle aged, tall and skinny. Her name was Hazel but she preferred to go by Mrs. Dennis. 

"Mrs. Dennis." She said. Her stare was cold and controlling but sweet and soft in a way. She was the boss and Evan knew that from the moment they shook hands. Jonathan's mother was holding her wrist gently and examining her rings. Jonathan grabbed Evan by the hood of his coat and dragged him further down the hallway into his room. He had a pc set up next to his queen sized bed and a tv mounted onto his wall. "Just set your bag next to the door." Jonathan said simply. 

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