Aurora: we are back mother
Esther: did you bring the milk and did you get yourselves some fruit
Rebekah: here you go there is the change as well
Esther: thank you what fruit did you get
Aurora: we got strawberries because we could share them with you
Esther: thank you very much girls
We handed her the basket with the strawberries
Esther: how about we share this with your brothers and fathers because you know how grumpy they get and tired after their training especially Finn.
We chuckled a bit.
Aurora: good idea mother

We waited and talked with mother until our brothers got back but they were not very happy.
Mikael: you boy need to be taught a lesson

He was talking about Niklaus he was going to hurt him again but I could not let him so I stood in front of Niklaus and fathers fist hit me I cried out in pain I now had a red mark on my cheek
Mikael: what are you doing child
Aurora: I will not let you hurt him father
Mikael: you think you can stand against me child
Aurora: please do not
Mikael: you girl need to learn when to stop being so defiant
Rebekah: we got you strawberries father because we know it is your favourite
Mikael: you did Aurora is this true
Aurora: yes it is father we picked it out so we could share them with you
Mikael: I will let you off this once thank you my daughters

Mother put our food on the table and we all ate it was lovely it was a slice of bread and soup with a cup of milk each although my father had beer.

Nik: thank you Aurora
Aurora: I could not let him hurt you again Niklaus
Nik: I appreciate it
Aurora: I know

Mikael: where are these strawberries
Esther: right here
She brought out the basket and my father smiled
Mikael: we eat well tonight thanks to our daughters
Me and Rebekah smiled and we all had two strawberries each
Henrik: these strawberries are very sweet
Esther: your big sisters picked well didn't they Henrik
Mikael: they certainly did
This was one of the rare moments I felt like I was apart of a family like there was nothing that could change that my father was always horrible to Nik I just never understood why I was never told I had asked my older siblings a few times but they just shrugged it off as it it was nothing.

The next day we woke up and me and Rebekah went to go and play with Tatia while my brothers were looking after Henrik while father and Finn had gone to battle and my mother was staying with our aunt for a few days she left us some money and told us to be wise with it me and Rebekah decided that we would not eat very well while they were gone and when our parents came back we would prepare them a feast.

Tatia: come on let us make daisy chains
Rebekah: let's see who can make theirs the fastest
Aurora: 1,2,3 go
We started making daisy chains and Tatia finished first Rebekah finished second and I came last
Tatia: Aurora you should make one with red roses it would match your hair
Aurora: if I am not mistaken my brothers each got you a rose it is a flower of romance
Tatia: yes they did I think I am in love with Niklaus do you know why your hair is different to your siblings ?
Rebekah: our father said it was because his brother had that colour hair he passed away in battle.
Tatia: I am sorry for your loss where is Henrik
Aurora: he is with our brothers goodness knows what they are teaching him
Tatia: shall we meet your brothers tonight
Rebekah: do you want to kiss Niklaus on the lips Tatia?
Tatia: maybe
We all laughed and me and Rebekah said eww later that night my brothers and sister gathered around the village bonfire and danced with Tatia Nicklaus and her shared a little kiss but I couldn't help but look at how hurt Elijah was
Aurora: Elijah my brother are you alright
Elijah: I am fine thank you Aurora
Aurora: then we shall dance
Me and Elijah danced with each other then me Rebekah and Tatia danced with Henrik he clearly loved the attention he was getting and we all kissed him on the cheek. Me and Rebekah were confronted by many men but there were none for us. After a while we noticed Henrik was getting tired and he fell asleep in my lap so Elijah carried him back home and we all went to sleep.

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