Mack- Confessions

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"In here!" Mack shouted as the two of you ran as fast as you could from the herd chasing behind you. Your boots slapped against the gravel hard as you moved into overdrive to run to safety; your adrenaline pumping inside of you. As you approached the door of the building, Mack jiggled the knob but it was locked and wouldn't open.

"Shit!" he yelled and grabbed your hand to run around the building to hopefully find another door. Thankfully there was one and when Mack shouldered it to open it, it swung back with ease. Quickly the both of you jumped in and pushed anything and everything up against the door to keep it closed as the dead began to bang on it outside.

The both of your breaths were heavy from running. Your chest heaved as you leaned your palms onto your knees as you tried to catch your breath, the dead banging hard on the outside of the door.

"It's...It's not going to hold." Mack said between breaths. "Come on."

You started following behind him, drawing your gun. Mack turned on his flashlight and it illuminated the room in a pale yellow glow.

"What was this place?" you whispered from behind him as his flashlight landed on what looked like a workers body that was decomposed, probably here since the beginning.

"No clue...maybe a factory?" Mack whispered back as the both of you continued walking. After a few more minutes, the both of you seemed to reach a door that belonged to a small office. Mack went in first to make sure it was clear and then told you to come in. Once you were inside the room, the both of you pushed a heavy wooden desk against the door in hopes it would hold the zombies out.

You turned to look at the room and noticed it only had one window that was casting the room grey. You walked to the window and sighed. "It's raining." you said as droplets began hitting the glass.

"We'll have to stay longer then." Mack stated as he sat on a leather couch that was in the office. 

You simply nodded your head as the rain began to pour outside, the sound extremely loud as it hit the buildings metal roof.

You had liked Mack for a while now but always thought he liked Addy since they had been surviving together since Day 1 of the apocalypse. But Addy had told you multiple times that she didn't have feelings for him and that they were really good friends, that's it. But you knew even if they were just friends that Mack would never like you, Addy didn't know for certain if he liked her or not, she was just saying that as a general statement. The only person who would know if he liked you or Addy, was Mack.

You let out another sigh as you walked over and sat on the wall across from Mack and the couch he was sitting on. There was only a few feet between the both of you but it still made you blush as you thought back to how he grabbed your hand to run inside the building.

"We should try and radio them." Mack said as he pulled his walkie talkie from his backpack. He tried a few times but you only received static back.

You shrugged your bag off and began looking through it for some food. "I have a can of peaches and two granola bars. Which do you want?" you asked him softly.

"The granola bar please. The peaches have sugar and they'll give us energy in the morning." Mack said as he put his LED lantern between the both of you, for there to be light in the room.

You handed him a granola bar and ate the other one yourself. Silence fell between the two of you and your mind raced with reasons why. Was it because he didn't like you? And now the two of you are stuck in a room together? Did he have feelings for Addy? Did he know about you feelings for him and he doesn't feel the same so now it's awkward for him?

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