Chapter 2

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As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the hell hole known as school, the bell sounded and I quickly rushed in up to my locker - well, atleast I thought I was until I bumped into someone. "Sorry," I said helping the person pick up books on the floor.

Immediately I saw the black designer boots that were stationed on the ground, I froze and my eyes widened, almost falling out of their sockets. "Oh my gosh, not only are you stupid but you also don't look where you are going!" a familiar voice rang through the hall. I didn't need to look up in order to know who it was. The minute I saw those black heeled boots and had the ruthless words in a not-so-friendly demeanor, I knew it was her— Sasha Gibson. The school queen bee, the lead cheerleader who hated my guts and always humiliates me whenever she pleases, more so the reason I lack friends. Everyone in this school walks according to her fingersnap and therefore wouldn't want to get on her bad side by of course, befriending me. Not to mention, she's the girl my brother kissed at the last party, or even dated for a week - for all I care.

"I'm s-so sorry Sasha, I really didn't mean to," I stammer and steady my glasses onto my face with my index finger, my gaze still fixed onto the feet.

"Oh geez, look at her. Such a lame-o," another yet familiar voice speaks up in a disgusting manner, chewing gum I presume. You know how every queen has an assistant, tight friend, partner in crime, well I'll take this opportunity to introduce Rosalie De Doboûr, a red head with brown eyes, whose mum owns a huge fashion company in France but not less meaner than Sasha. If you ask me, I prefer they would've been born by the same parents so that the burden is reduced from four to two.

"You black sheep with uncombed thick hair," Rosalie spots as she moves forward. "If you can't see where you are go, then what's the use of the second pair of eyes?" She pulls my glasses and I struggle to pull them away but she raises her hand higher. As she puts both her hands at the frames of my glasses to break them into two, I thrust her into the locker and pick them up.

Gasps from the gathered students arise and that's when I realize that Rosalie is on the ground. "Oh my goodness Rosalie, I didn't mean to. I... "

Before I can finish, Sasha slams her hand across my cheek. "Be sorry for yourself because your whole family is gonna be sued and deported back to Africa."

Immediately, everyone shoots me death glares as the help the French princess up.

"Oh geez Rosalie are you hurt?"

"I can accompany you to the nurse."

"Rosalie, I'll share my juice box with you if you like, we don't want to see you sad."

The fellow students offer their pity to Rosalie who is dusting her pants with the help of some other cheerleaders. "Rose is okay, thank you for your concerns sweethearts," Sasha smiles at them. Figuring I have no use in the whole, I quickly move into my class which is English.

The lesson moves on while I'm distant and towards its end, I paper hits the back of my ear and lands on my desk. "Sorry," a light whisper follows this action. With hesitation, I pick up the paper while wondering who would risk their all to send me a chit.

Are you okay?
Kyle over here by the way... :-)

A smile forms over my lips and I turn my head back to Kyle. He quickly glances at me and sends a waves. "Mr Robin, please pay attention. This isn't one of your games where you wave to fans," the teacher slurs in a bored tone. After he turns to the board I throw a quick glance at Kyle, who shrugs in response causing me to snicker.

I think some students noticed my restlessness and glared daggers at me.

The next lessons flowed by and as normal, I had my lunch in the library to avoid glances and sitting next to the trashcan like on my first day.

"Slut, whore," were the words reverbating in my ears each time I passed a girl group. At a point, some guys threw a ball at my head and I landed on the ground. Being used to this kind of torture, I sauntered through the hall with my head low. Tears brimmed at the edges of my eyes, still nothing unusual and I managed to make it through my next class which was biology.

"So, I'll have to assign you projects but I need you to be in pairs," Mrs Dawson announces after telling us that we should do it right now. Unbothered about the movements in class people are making in class, I stare at my textbook and answer a quiz I had started on in the library. I'm a nerd, I spend most of my time reading so all my grades are straight A's which is enough to please my parents.

Suddenly, I hear someone shift into the sit beside me. Once I look up, a smiling Kyle hits my sight as he settles and mumbles a hi. The entire class is as shocked as I am as they start murmuring and pointing.

"Okay, so I hope everyone is content with their choice of partners and I guess we'll start," Mrs Dawson started off.

"I think Kyle isn't comfortable Mrs Dawson, I mean look at his face," one of the students points at the school's golden boy as she speaks. Being a sophomore like us, Kyle has won favour from even the popular girls in school so I wonder my he's sitting beside me. Did he discover that I like him? But how would he, I don't have friends or a diary. Even though he know he wouldn't care because he's up in the sky and I'm like way below the ground, below even the freshmen.

My quizzical thoughts are cut off when Mrs Dawson asks, "Are you okay Kyle?"

Kyle shrugs and looks at me. I knew it. He just sat here to humiliate me, just like Sasha. They truly deserve each other. Although, Kyle's next words surprise me and everyone else, "Mrs Dawson, you told everyone to chose their partners, meaning we had to choose people we were familiar with and we would like to cooperate with. I'm more than happy working with Paris. Who wouldn't want to be a partner with someone named Paris?"

My heart immediately starts pumping so hard that I even think that Kyle hears it. My stomach churns and my cheeks, together with my ears turn pink.

"Alright Michelle, I think we should just kind of our business," Mrs Dawson replies to the girl who complained in Kyle's behalf earlier and continues to discuss. Kyle and I exchange a little conversation conserning what we were studying, even though he tried to change the subject many times. Even if he said all those nice defending things, u wouldn't help but wonder why he did so therefore I won't give in to him.

"Paris, stop being so silent. We have to speak if we are going to be partners and you have a full month with me since May has just began," Kyle says nonchantly.

"Well, you can as well change your partner. I'm used to working alone anyway," I pack my books, ready to leave for home. If I had my car, I would probably drive home but since I have to wait until 23d June, which is more than a month from now, I have to commute. My other option would be waiting for Keron but he's in football practice. Speaking of Keron, I quickly text him to tell him that I'll walk home before walking away from Kyle.

"Paris wait!" Kyle grabs my hand. I won't deny that I love the butterflies he brings me.

"Please call me Becky," I sigh.

"Why? Because Sasha says so, oh please!" he snorts and I stare at him coldly. "Okay, I'll get to the point, Becky let's be friends," he tightens his lips into a smile.

"Why? You're girlfriend hates me. The whole school literally hates me."

"Sasha isn't my girl."

"Look, whatever Kyle. We'll discuss and all for the remaining two weeks, infact one week since it's almost Saturday," I reply before storming off.

🥺 Becky suffers I know but wait for it, this is just the introduction....
Love y'all
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Tasha Xoxo

Queen B : Becky Paris Heartly #book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu