Chapter 5

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Telling their friends was easier than Krist expected and more annoying.

The response ranged from "Finally!" to "You two just started dating?" and Krist didn't know whether to hug or hit his friends.

He knew that they took a long way around to start their relationship but Krist didn't regret the time they spent in building their friendship. It was easy to lose yourself in love if you didn't love yourself first.

Krist did hit Gunsmile though. He found out about the bet that Gunsmile started five years ago about them. The bet had almost reached one million baht since then and Krist had to threaten Gunsmile to find out who won it.

"You bet on us."

P'Sing smiled and nodded happily. "Every year."

"You could have just asked me out," Krist pointed out, sitting next to P'Sing and watched as their friends played with their kids.

"You weren't ready." P'Sing reached out and laced their fingers together.

"What if I never got ready?" Krist squeezed his hand, to contradict his harsh question.

"Then I'll continue waiting." P'Sing smiled serenely. "Love is a journey, Kit, not a destination. I love you more every day since I met you and I'll continue to do so until I die. You love me back is a gift, not a responsibility."

Krist knew he was blushing so he hid his face in P'Sing's shoulder. "Why are you so cheesy? Did you get possessed by Kongpob's soul or something?"

"Why not? I know you like it when Kongpob was flirting with P'Arthit." Krist felt P'Sing's lips on his hair and he smiled against the elder's shoulder.

"Real life is better than series," Krist said, leaning his head on P'Sing's shoulder.

"Are you ready for our next adventure?"

"As long as I'm with you, I'm ready."

Krist lied. He wasn't ready for this.

Telling his friends, family and boss about their relationship was easy. He knew them for years, worked with them and faced a lot of things with them.

Telling the public about them was a whole other matter.

The public was fickle. They might be supportive when Krist was only acting in BL series but to come out and announced his relationship with another man, Krist couldn't predict their reactions.

Krist knew what his fans expected from him and P'Sing but he was still scared. Not everyone would be supportive, there would always be those who hate for the sake of hating.

Krist didn't want to expose his children to that kind of hatred.

If he could, he would pack up and moved away with P'Sing and their children, leaving the fame behind.

"Calm down. I'm here."

Krist relaxed when P'Sing hugged him from behind, pressing a kiss on his shoulder. "Let's run away and forget all this. You can continue your studies abroad and I'll be your sugar baby," Krist pleaded.

P'Sing chuckled. "As much as I want to keep you in bed for my pleasure, we have three kids to feed."

"Must we do it like this though?"

Krist gestured to the filming crew that was setting up in their home, ready to start the shooting.

'Into the Perawat-Prachaya's Home', their new show, the brainchild of P'Sing. Krist had questioned why they were using their real name for the show and was stunned by the reasoning.

"KristSingto is a brand. The imaginary couple. Perawat-Prachaya... Well, they are real. They are partners. For us to be real, we need to break out from KristSingto's mould," P'Sing had explained.

He was right. KristSingto was a part of their lives but now they were starting a new chapter.

When the company announced the new show, they trended worldwide. Krist had nightmares of how things could go wrong since then.

"Are you changing your mind?" P'Sing asked, twirling the engagement ring on Krist's finger.

"No. Just nervous," Krist admitted.

"Don't be." P'Sing smiled, clinking their rings together.

"Okay. Krist, Singto, we're ready!" P'Arnon called out and Krist took a deep breath, nodded.

The kids were with their friends in the bedroom, waiting for Krist and P'Sing to introduce them.

"We have a new show together. Not a series, no." Krist opened the show, teasing their fans with the rumours that the new show was a new series.

"A new show is good too."

"Really good. Because now we can share something special to us with our fans."

"Are you curious yet? I know you're curious," Krist said with a smirk. "P'Sing and I... We're no longer Phi-Nong."

"What a nice way to announce our engagement, Kit," P'Sing laughed. Krist loved that laugh and he just had to kiss it. P'Sing froze before kissing him back.

"Cut it out, you two. I thought the sexual tension couldn't get any worse now that you're dating," P'Arnon commented.

They both laughed.

"Actually, we want to introduce new members of our family today, that's why we're at our home," P'Sing continued.

"Dogs," Krist joked.



"Papa!" Fiat yelled and ran in between the crew straight to his papa. P'Sing automatically caught him and hold him.

"The cat is out of the bag now," Krist laughed before going out of the frame and took Pluto and Muffin.

"Let me introduce my family. This is Fiat, Pluto and Muffin. My children."

Twitter went down when the first episode went on air.

Krist and P'Sing decided to do a live reaction on Instagram with their kids. Krist was wary about introducing their kids to the public but he also refused to hide them. He was also worried that their kids would be burdened by fame.

His worries were for nothing. He was reminded that Fiat was a celebrity before he turned into their kids when they started shooting for their show. His brother and sister easily followed his lead.

The kids quickly became the stars of the show much to everyone's amusement.

Krist watched his family on the show and smiled to himself. He didn't expect to be here today but he was happy he got here. With Fiat between him and P'Sing, Muffin on P'Sing's lap and Pluto on his.

Krist leaned over and kissed P'Sing on the cheek. P'Sing turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you."

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