Chapter 1

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"So I'm assuming you'll be accompanying us on this journey." the man said, standing up from his seat. 

Kurapika held his hands together, leaning forward in his seat slightly. "Yeah. I'll try to provide as much information as I can." he said, in his usual cold tone. The man nodded, and began to take his leave. 

Kurapika stared at the tile floor lost in thought. The last of his clan's eyes were on the line here, so he was going to have to cooperate. He was going to have to follow this man out, and spend several weeks on a ship working with others, in order to obtain these eyes. 

He couldn't recall the last time he worked with others, but then the memory came to him. How his old friends helped him track down the Phantom Troupe several years ago. 

The unstoppable duo, Gon and Killua accompanied him. Although Gon and Killua were much younger than Kurapika, so he thought of them more as little brothers then friends. Then there was Leorio. 

Leorio and Kurapika were the same age, and they didn't even like each other at first. Leorio was tall and stubborn, and would drive Kurapika crazy. But he also made a lot of sacrifices for Kurapika, he was a comforting and attractive man. 

He got really close to him, but Kurapika ended up cutting everyone off, including Leorio. He reminded himself that his sole purpose in life was to avenge his clan and recover their eyes. He couldn't possibly distract himself with relationships, relationships that would water down his pain and wrath. He needed to be able to wake up everyday with an empty hole in his heart, to remind him that he is the last survivor of the clan that was murdered in cold blood. To remind him that he was never able to fulfill his promise to- 

"I don't mean to interrupt your thoughts, but we should get going." the man said from the doorway, snapping Kurapika out of his trance. He looked up, and gave a firm nod to the man. He stood up from his chair and followed the man out.

(Several Days Later)

The bright reflection bouncing off the sea burned Kurapika's eyes. "Boarding Now!" a voice projected through the broadcasting system. He let out a sigh, and picked up his baggage. 

He embarked the ship, and brought his things to his cabin. When he opened the door to his cabin, two empty beds caught his eye. He had a roommate... 

He groaned at the thought, what if his roommate got sea sick? What if they were a girl? And then what if she mistook him for a girl due to his feminine features and posture? Or worse, what if his roommate wanted to constantly chat?  

Kurapika pushed the thoughts out of his head, and looked on the bright side. At Least they weren't here yet. He began setting up his things, and placing his books in his drawers. He explored the small bathroom that barely had walking room, and placed his toothbrush and contacts in the tiny container secured to the sink. 

He looked up at himself in the mirror, his features looked emotionless. He used to have so much emotion on his face, he was constantly smiling. Now that he thinks about it, he can't recall the last time he smiled. It shouldn't have bothered him, because he was glad he hadn't smiled in a long time. It meant that he hadn't moved on from his clan's slaughter. 

He played with strands of his hair, studying how long it looked in the mirror. He needed to cut it again soon. 

He heard the sound of the cabin door opening, and he observed silently in the mirror. His eyes widened, automatically recognizing the figure walking past.

He jerked his head around, and stepped out of the bathroom in disbelief. But it wasn't his mind playing tricks, he was actually here. "Leorio?" Kurapika muttered. Leorio turned around to face him, and his eyes widened when he met Kurapika's figure. 

Without a word, he swiftly walked past Kurapika and out of the room. It took Kurapika a moment to comprehend the fact Leorio had just walked out on him, and then he ran out to chase after him. 

He caught up to Leorio who was walking down the long hallway with his briefcase. "Where are you going?" Kurapika asked. Leorio didn't look down at him, he just wore an angry expression on his face. "I'm going to go request a cabin change. Don't come." Leorio muttered, not glancing at Kurapika once. 

Kurapika furrowed his brow, before quickening his pace. He stood directly in front of Leorio to block his path, and practically forced him to look at him. "Why?" Kurapika asked sternly. 

Leorio scoffed, "Seems you don't even have the courtesy to guess why. Proves my point." Leorio said, attempting to pass Kurapika. Kurapika stuck his arm out to block him, this conversation wasn't over. "I apologize. Tell me why." Kurapika said, not breaking his eye contact. 

Leorio sighed, "Why should I go out of my way to talk to you, when you didn't even have the courtesy to visit Gon when we didn't know if he would wake up or not." Leorio said, anger entering his voice. 

Kurapika's eyes widened. 'Gon was... dying? Wait, was that why Leorio wouldn't stop ringing my phone a few years ago? I don't call calling him back... I was in a bad place at the time.' Kurapika thought. 

He put his arm down, giving Leorio room to pass. He didn't blame Leorio for not wanting to forgive him, that's a pretty fucked situation. "That's what I thought." Leorio whispered, continuing down the hallway. Kurapika stood there until the sound of Leorio's footsteps had faded. He took a deep breath, attempting to clear his thoughts. 

It was unfortunate, but Kurapika wasn't meant to be a friend. He was meant to avenge his clan. And that's all.


Hey! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This is all based on after the show ended, but this is not supposed to correlate with the Dark Continent Arc if you're a manga reader. This is supposed to be a different journey, even though the situation is similar. If you havent read my Killugon story, Pearls, you should check it out! I've been told its worth the read :)

 Anyway, I hope you enjoy! The next chapter is going to be slow, but it will pick up the pace I promise. <3

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