Felicity then swung at Harley's face and hit her cheek. She threw punch after punch, relishing in the feel of being able to cause pain to the woman who had hurt her for years. She wasn't even aware of Dick shouting her name until she felt his arms band around her waist, pulling her off of Harley.

 "Felicity!" Dick shouted again. Felicity felt as if the ringing in her ears had finally stopped and she could hear everything that was going on around her. She could hear gunshots going off, arrows being shot off, and Dick trying to talk her down. As she looked down at Harley on the ground, not moving and with blood surrounding her face, Felicity turned around and clutched onto Dick and sobbed into his chest."Shh, it's okay, it's okay," He said as he rubbed her back up and down. "You're safe, you're safe."

Whenever Felicity opened her eyes again, she noticed that she was not in her own bedroom. It looked like a single bedroom. The walls were decorated a soft pale blue with gold trim in the middle. Over to her right was another unmade bed. When she looked over to her left, she saw a table that held Dick, Oliver, and Diggle. By the table, there was a small red chair that Bruce was sleeping in. He looked completely exhausted. His hair was in a mess and there was blood caked on the edge of his face. When Felicity tried to sit up, she couldn't help the whimper that left her mouth. All of the men looked over at her and stood. Dick looked like he wanted to go first, but he looked at Oliver and Diggle and motioned for them to go first. Oliver gave him a silent thank you by nodding his head before going over to her bedside. He laid a hand on her shoulder and carefully sat up. "How are you feeling?"

Felicity looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "Okay." Her voice was raggedy and she coughed to try and get her voice to work. Diggle handed her some water and Felicity happily took it before taking a sip. She cleared her throat and set down the water on the table with the help of Oliver. Pointing her head towards her father, she looked at him sadly. "Is he okay?"

Dick walked to the end of the bed and rubbed his thumb across the foot that was not in a cast. Felicity just now noticed her other foot and groaned. "No more heels for a while." That made Dick lightly laugh, "Bruce is okay, he's been up all night watching you make sure you were okay."Felicity looked back and, Dick. "Where's the rest of the crew?"

"Getting breakfast downstairs. Do you want me to grab you something?"She shook her head. "I'll be okay for a little bit. I want to make sure you guys are okay. Are you? And what happened? Did you catch Joker?" A squeeze on her shoulder pulled her back out of all the questions she had in her head. She looked up at Oliver to see him giving her a small smile."Slow down. Everyone is okay, just a little beat up. Joker had some men guarding the entrance. When we got there, Joker was already gone. Harley..."Fear prickled at Felicity. "Is she?"

Oliver shook his head. "No, she's in custody. Well, she was at the infirmary, but she's now in custody. She's not dead Felicity." At that Felicity could breathe better. She wasn't a killer.Oliver then looked at Dick and Bruce before he looked back at her. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah, you really had us scared Felicity," Diggle said and squeezed her other shoulder. Felicity smiled warmly at them. "I'm glad too." She then put her hands together and squeezed. "Not that I don't love you guys, but can I talk with my father for a bit?"Oliver nodded and gave her shoulder one last squeeze. "We'll be down next door. Diggle, Dick, and I have a room right next to yours."

"Speaking of that, where are we?"

Diggle lightly chuckled. "At a hotel. Bruce paid for the rooms. We're on the top floor, he rented out the whole wing."At that Felicity rolled her eyes with a smile. "Of course he did. I'm surprised he didn't rent out the whole hotel."

"I didn't want to make it too obvious," Bruce said from the chair. Felicity looked over at her father and couldn't help but feel tears in her eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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