Chapter 2

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Felicity pulled back and looked at her father whom she hadn't seen in seven years. She could already see some gray hairs on the side of his head and thought seven years was way too long to not see her adopted father. Felicity hated that they had to meet in these types of circumstances.

"So I presume this is Mr. Queen and Mr. Diggle?" Bruce said as he eyed both the men.

Diggle held out his hand which Bruce accepted and shook it firmly just like he did with Oliver's. The air was thick with tension and Felicity wanted to do nothing but crawl back into her hole. Letting her past scratch the surface once again was truly petrifying.

"Mr. Wayne," Oliver began but Bruce put a hand up stopping him.

"Please, call me Bruce. Since we are going to be working together on this Joker mess, let's be a first name basis."

Oliver folded his arms across his chest. "Bruce, so you're buying my family's company because of Felicity?"

Bruce took some papers out of the bag he had on and handed it to Oliver. "There's my price and I'm not just buying it for Felicity, I want to save this company. Oliver, I've looked into what you do for this city, I don't particularly agree with it, but you make your city safer."

Oliver masked his surprise. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"Dude, you come back from an island, and surprise, surprise the hood shows up, it shouldn't be that hard to figure it out," Dick said spinning the pen around his fingers.

Oliver looked over at the man and seriously wanted to punch him, but resisted. He was really starting to get on his nerves, especially the type of looks he was giving Felicity. He really did not like that.

"Dick, behave," Felicity said, to which he held up his hands in surrender.

"I'll be quiet, Scout's honor."

"That'll be a first." Muttered Bruce.

Felicity clapped her hands together getting all the men their attention on her. "Okay, so we need a plan. Wait," she paused and looked over at Bruce. "Where are Jason and Tim?"

At that moment like clockwork, Bruce's phone rang. He held up a finger and answered it. "What, Jason?" A few seconds later, Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. "What did I say about no trying to kill each other? Damian needs to listen to you, yes, that's why I put you and Barbara in charge. Yes, I'm here now. Yes, we can video chat, give me a minute." Bruce hung up the phone and dug out a laptop before turning it on.

"Okay, who are Barbara and Damian? New fosters?" Felicity asked.

Bruce groaned, he did not want to have this conversation now but it looks like he didn't have a choice. "Barbara is Batgirl, she's Commissioner Gordon's daughter and Damian... he's mine..."

Felicity's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "Wait, yours? With who?"

Bruce sighed. "Save that for another conversation."

"Hey! It's working! Felicity is that you?!" Jason said as he appeared on the camera.

Felicity looked back at the computer and smiled. "Jason!"

Diggle and Oliver peaked at the laptop to see a younger-looking man, with an even younger-looking kid with black hair. In the background, you could see a tall woman with red hair trying to fight off a little boy. This family was really strange.

"Damain, that's enough!" She shouted.

"Damian, stop it. Come say hi to your sister." Tim said smiling at the camera to finally see his sister again.

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