Aimee set Violet-Marie down against a rock ledge, using magic to make her comfortable. I sat down next to Aimee, holding one of Violet-Marie's hands. Aimee smiled gently as her daughter rolled over in her sleep, reaching out her hand slightly. I looked at Aimee. "Not now my friend, maybe when she's ready, but not now." Aimee nodded, retracting her hand. "Let's just get this over with. What exactly do we have to do?" I smiled. "You just have to make the powder, I have to keep Violet-Marie on her path, and Violet-Marie? Well, Violet-Marie will know exactly what to do." 

Violet-Marie's POV

Darkness, all I can see is darkness. I can't hear much, but what I can hear sounds muffled and far away. I can taste smoke, and I can feel the air moving through my hair. 'Faith!' Micah called. Just a memory, I reminded myself. 'Hey, Micah!' past me replied. 'But remember, you can't call me that, my mother doesn't like it.'  a new memory arose, the other one fading away. 'That's Capricorn!' Sera said. The three of us were lying on a hill in The Forgotten Realms, our home. How I miss home, everything was much simpler there. 'Violet-Marie!' a new voice called, it sounded, closer. 'Violet-Marie! Wake up!' another voice called. And then...

I awoke with a start, clutching my head and groaning. "What happened?" I asked, my vision focusing on two figures in front of me. "You passed out." Yzma said, clutching my hand in one of her own. "I did?" I asked, confused. "Where are we?" I asked, looking around and swinging my legs off of the, bed? "We're in a cave in an old part of the forest." My mother replied, coming over and smiling. "Are you feeling alright?" she asked. I looked around and remembered our plan. "Never better." Mother came over to me, handing me a pouch with two vials in it. "This is all that you will need, it's more than enough for three." I smirked, taking the pouch and tucking it in my pocket. "Thank you." I said. "I'll report back in a few days." I said, standing. "Good." Yzma said. "See you later." 

The Swan-Jones house, present day

Emma's POV

"Killian!" I yelled, running down the stairs. "Yes, love?" he asked. "Have you seen Hope?" Killian stopped. "She's not here?!" he gasped. "No!" I replied. "And she didn't even leave a note!" "Maybe one of her friends has seen her?" Killian asked, hopefully. "I'll call them." I replied, already pulling out my phone. "You won't need that." a voice said from the basement door. I whirled around and saw a figure in the shadows. "What have you done with Hope?!" Killian asked, balling his fists. "Oh, nothing!" the figure replied, laughing. "Who are you?!" I asked, putting my phone down on the table and readying my magic. "My name's Faith Willows, the Dark One," the figure said, stepping out of the shadows. Killian and I gasped when we saw who it was. "But you know me better as Violet-Marie." 

Violet-Marie, or Faith, whatever her name is, blew a black powder into Killian and my faces. We both started coughing and falling to the floor. My head began pounding and I was beginning to see black spots and red flashes everywhere. I suddenly stopped coughing. I looked up and Killian had done the same. 

"Ugh," I said, standing up. "These outfits are terribly drab." I said, gesturing to the red leather jacket and jeans I had on. Killian smirked at me. I snapped my fingers and changed my clothes into something much more, comfortable so to speak. I sighed as my black leather outfit appeared on my body, my hair turning white, pulled up into a tight bun. "You know, love, you look a lot better in that." Killian said. I smirked. "I do look better." 

I turned to Faith. "Faith, sweetie! It's good to actually see you, rather than be an apparition in your mind!" Faith smiled. "Yes, it is rather nice to have you two back in physical forms, rather than having you two make out in the back of my mind. How are Emma and Killian doing?" I closed my eyes. "Your powder is working wonderfully!" I said. "Emma is dormant, and will remain so." Killian smirked. "Same thing with the pirate!" 

I suddenly thought of something. "What did you do with the Savior's daughter?" Faith smiled. "Oh, she's fine, I just forged another note out of the Savior's handwriting and gave it to her. She thinks she's meeting you at Granny's, but when she finds nothing, she'll return home and find her parents missing!" "But where will we hide out?" Killian asked. "I found a tree-house in the woods that we can use, it's really old and no one knows about it." I smiled. "Nice job, Faith, yes that will work perfectly." "Then let's go." Faith said. "We have to go, Hope will be home soon." Killian and I looked at each other. "I hate that name." I muttered, walking out the door.


Hope's POV

"Hi Granny!" I said, coming in the diner. I looked down at the not from my mom. 

Meet me at Granny's in five minutes, your father and I want to spend a little time with you! We'll see you there! ;) 

I looked around the diner. "Granny?" I asked, looking over at her. "Yeah, kid?" Granny asked. "Have you seen my parents?" Granny frowned and looked around the diner. "If they aren't already here, then no, they haven't been in here since yesterday." I frowned and looked down at the note. "Maybe Mom forgot, maybe they're at home." Granny waved to me as I left the diner. 

The Swan-Jones House

Hope's POV

"Mom?" I yelled. "Dad?" I looked around the house, gasping when I saw what had happened. I grabbed Mom's phone, that was sitting on the table and called everyone. "No, it's not Mom, It's Hope, no, I'm not alright, you have to get over here, right now." 

Snow's POV

I covered my mouth with my hand. The Swan-Jones house was a wreck. "Did you do this, Hope?" I asked. "No!" she said. "It was like this when I got back!" Violet-Marie, Micah, and Sera ran into the house. "We came as soon as we heard!" Violet-Marie said, gasping for breath. "What happened here?!" I looked at Violet-Marie. "We don't know, but Emma and Killian are missing!" Sera gasped, covering her mouth. "Where could they have gone?" David asked. I went over and sat on the couch, putting my head in my hands. "Hope, how do know that your parents are missing and they didn't just go on a walk or something?" Hope sat down across from me. "Because I found this note." she said, handing me a slip of paper. 

Oh well, it looks like I have your Savior, and her pirate. Whoops! I hope you didn't need them! Don't worry about them, they're alive, for now at least. Oh, and don't even try to get them back, you'll fail, and I won't give them back, and I doubt they would even want to come back! Ta ta for now!
~Faith Willows

Regina took hold of the note. "Why would Emma and Killian not want to come back?" Sera came and looked over Regina's shoulder. "Is this normal for Dark One's to leave a note after taking hostages?" I shook my head. "I don't think so, but no Dark One we've ever dealt with has ever taken hostages." Violet-Marie shook her head. "This doesn't make any sense." she said, beginning to pace. "I have Faith's dagger, so that would mean that I would know if she was doing anything!" I got up and placed my hands on Violet-Marie's shoulders. "It's okay. We are a family of survivors, Emma and Killian will be fine." I looked over at David, he shook his head. 

David and I went to the doorway of the basement to talk a bit more privately. "Why Emma and Killian?" I asked, leaning on his chest. "I don't know." he replied. "They haven't done anything wrong." "Wait," I said. I picked up a piece of cloth that was snagged on the corner of the lock of the door. "Regina!" I called. "Yeah?" she asked, coming over. "Do you think that you could track Faith with this?" I asked, holding up the fabric. Regina smiled. "That's perfect." I looked over at Hope, grinning. "Let's go get your parents back."

What did you think? I hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Tbh, writing little Violet-Marie/Faith was really fun to do! I tried to make it really seem like it was coming from a little girl (writing "thinked" *shudder* O.o), but I don't really know how it turned out :P I will see you around!


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