"He's lying. He went even after to save a pregnant woman even when we told him the fire was too high. He..." Hunt explains to me. He takes a deep breath trying to compose himself. "He has third-degree burns on his right shoulder, arm, and midway down the right side of his back. Partial burns to the face."

"What is wrong with you? You could have..." I begin to sob uncontrollably.

"Gen, I'm..."

"Did you think of us if something happened to you? The kids and I need you."

"I was doing this because of my family." Mark explains.


"That woman is pregnant just like you. She has family just like us. She needed help and I provided it."

"I...please don't scare me like that again. I...please." I beg him

"I love you. Come here." Mark urges me to come closer. I kiss all over the areas that aren't burned.

"Let me help clean your wounds." I start debriding Mark's wounds. "I know you saved that woman's life and I know this sounds very none independent woman of me but...you could have left me with four children. Alone and...I will kill you even if you're already dead." I remind him.

"Thanks." Mark makes his snide remark and I hit his good shoulder. "Hey!"

"Don't be a dick to me right now. I am emotional and...I have two babies sucking the energy out of me and...I've delivered like 10 babies today including Derek and Meredith's."

"They have their baby?" Mark asks me.

"A healthy baby boy." I inform Mark.

"You know when someone told me there was a pregnant woman trapped on the bus all I could think about was if that was you and I would want someone to risk everything to save you." Mark explains. He leans up and wipes a tear from my face and rests his hand on my cheek. I reach up and just grip his arm as I let the worry fade away.

"Don't ever do that again. I...I can't lose you. Not now not ever."

"You have me. Forever mine..."

"Forever yours." I kiss Mark as if it's the last time I'll see him. "I'm going to check on the kids and...Brooks." I find the intern who is loveable and goofy and so smart. "Please make sure. Dr. Sloan's burns are treated and then patched lightly." I instruct her.

"Will do captain." She gives me a cute goofy smirk.

"Page me if you need help." I state and I head off to make sure the kids are okay. The lights are still off and no one has seemed to find a way to turn the generator back on and my stress levels are through the roofs. Someone hits my shoulder. "Hey!" I shout but I stop as I see it's Derek and Cristina running. "No." I mutter and I join them as the three of us run through the dark hallways together. Mark and now Meredith. This is not how this was supposed to go.

Bailey was able to come and perform surgery but to keep the room sterile we're all forced to stay outside and play the long hated waiting game. Cristina and Derek help me up on the gurney with them and we try to keep each other calm. "How is Mark?" Derek asks me taking his mind off his wife.

"He a few third and second degree burns to his right side and face but he will be fine." I answer. "He saved a pregnant woman from a burning bus."

"Damn." Cristina comments.

"He's going to be fine. She is going to be fine." I repeat.

"Have you seen him?" Derek asks Cristina.

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