Nightmares pt 1

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You catch a glipse of your refection in a window and cringe. Your face is flushed and your eyes are puffy. You go to a bathroom and spash some water on your face as you steady your breathing.

When you get to the dorms most of your classmates are in their rooms or in the common area so you quickly get to your room before anyone can asks questions. Once you close the door tears start roling down your cheeks again. You lay in bed and siletly sob into your pillows until sleep overcomes you.

The next morning you get ready for class as usual and decide to year some light makeup to cover the fact that you cried all evening. During class you get a few odd glares and some classmates ask why you were in the office but you brush it off and just say they wanted to talk about your grades. During training is when you decide to let out your emotions. You go all out landing blows right and left until you are absolutely exhaused and nearly pass out.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT DUMBASS?" You turn to face Bakugo who looks like he is going to rip your head off.


"Jheez, calm down. Im just-" you pause unsure of how to finish the sentence and turn to get changed. In the locker room you quickly undress and put your uniform back on so you can get back to the dorms and work on homework.

Training seemed to be the perfect way to let out your anger and frustration. Soon enough you are spending all your free time training or studying. A few weeks go by and you are in your room crying again. It's around 1am, so you decide to go downstairs and get a drink. On your way back up to your room you hear muffled sobs. You stop outside the room they are coming from and knock on the door.

"You okay?"
"Fuck off." Oh, so its Bakugo's room. You roll your eyes.

"Fine, but im here to talk if you need to." You dont get an answer so you head back to your room and fall asleep. The next day Bakugo seems more on edge and angry than usual, and throws numerous inults at you through the day.

"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?" you ask, finally having enough of it.

"NOTHING IS WRONG WITH ME DAMNIT!" He is fuming and tries to throw a punch at you but is stopped by Kirishima. You mouth 'thank you' before leaving with Uraraka back to H.A.

"Something seems off with him." she says. "Since the attack its like he got more... explosive."

You consider her words before saying you would see her at dinner and head to your room to study. Katsuki ignores you the rest of the evening, and doesnt come down to watch a movie with the class before bed either. You shrug the thought off and change into some pyjamas. Just as you are about to drift of to sleep someone knocks at your door.

"Umm yeah?" you ask into the darkness. Your door opens to reveal Bakugo. he closes the door and sits on the foot of your bed. You sit up to face him.

"What's up?" you ask. This is weird. Why is here?

"Can't sleep." His voice is unusually soft and low. "Nightmares."

Oh. Maybe thats why he was crying last night. You scoot over and pat the empty space beside you. He lays down on his back beside you and sighs. The two of you lay there in an awkward silence so you decide to speak up.

"I had a brother. He died when I was 5 from vaillains." Your feel a lump in your throat as you choke back a sob. "I would see his lifeless body in my dreams for years."

Another awkward silence.

"My mom was in the hospital, and the day I went to the office she-" you take a deep breath as a tear rolls down your cheek. "she died. A few years ago we were in a villain attack and she saved my life but was badly injured. I have a scar on my back. The villain that attacked us was Moonfish, the same one from the training camp." you let out a quiet sob and your breath hitches. You lat there silently as tears roll down your face and finally Bakugo speaks.

"I see them every night. The villains. I can't not see them. Every night I have the same dream. There they are. Im so fucking weak." You hear his voice crack and look over to see his cheeks are tear stained as well. Your hands are laying on the bed next to eachother so your reach to hold his. He flinches but then relaxes at your touch. His head turns and he meets your gaze.

"Your aren't weak Bakugo. You are probably the strongest person in our class. Nightmares don't make you weak. And its okay to cry."

"Im not fucking crying." he scoffs. You let out a soft chuckle and look back up at the ceiling.


"Katsuki." He cuts you off. You nod.

"Katsuki, thank you for telling me. Im always here for you." You give his hand a squeeze before letting go and turning on your side facing away from him. He watches your side rise and fall as your breathing evens out, and contemplates leaving, but decides against it and rolls onto his side as well. He wraps an arm around your figure and hold you close as he drifts to sleep.

Okay well that was something different, but i kind of thought it was cute. Ill get back to another smut next chapter.

Katsuki Bakugou x reader (Some Smut) Oneshots 🍋Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora