I Just Found a Big Difference Between 92sies Davey and Broadway Davey

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As the title says, I found a difference between 92sies Davey and Broadway Davey.

It has to do with character development.

So in the beginning of 1992 movie, Davey doesn't do the whole spit handshake thing with Jack and calls it disgusting. Then, he isn't comfortable with lying about headlines to sell newspapers. It basically seems like he hates being a newsie. He also isn't too keen on going on strike at first either. As the movie goes on, he values the friendship he has with Jack and the other newsies, which ultimately helps him and the newsies win the strike.

In the Broadway version of Newsies, Davey isn't happy about being a newsie. When the newsies decide go on strike, it seems like he goes along with it because he feels like he has to since everyone else was. The only thing he really did that kinda helped, yet ended up hurting the newsies during the strike was planning the rally. It just seems like his character was in the Broadway version of Newsies only because the writers didn't want to get rid of Davey since he was one of the main characters from the 1992 movie.

Have you guys noticed this difference between 92sies Davey and Broadway Davey?

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