Repairs and Restoration

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"No, get the power converters going at 50, and the boosters at 100!"

Erin walked out towards the smoking ship. Ivy was barking orders at the mechanics wiring and building on the wreckage.

"Ivy!" Erin shouted over the machinery. Ivy lifted her visor and looked down. 

"Ah. Hello, Princess."

"Oh shut up." Erin said, walking to the base of the ship.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Ivy said, hopping to the ground.

"Well it was a good reveal wasn't it?" 

Ivy walked towards her, pulling gloves off her hands. "Well I would've liked to know that I was going to enter into negotiations with the King of this planet." She said.

"Oh I'm sure you've done much worse." Erin scoffed.

"You'd be surprised." Ivy looks around sees the mechanics. "No, stay away from the thrusters, they're fine!"

"Having some trouble with the mechanics?" Giggled Erin.

"Oh they're technically gifted, and a credit to your planet, but they have no understanding of sentiment whatsoever." She looked down, rubbing her gloves.

"That ship... it means a lot to you doesn't it." Erin said, tilting her head to one side.

Ivy looked reminiscent, as if some great memory had been awoken from her past, one too painful to keep in her head constantly. "It's all I have." she said. "A one way trip away from all this conflict."

"Well it seems impressive. I don't know much about ships myself. It's not a very princess thing to enjoy." Erin looked curious, almost lusting for the knowledge that Ivy had to offer. 

"Well... I could tell you about it. If you wanted."

Erin smiled, a half smile that was full of pure joy. "I would love to."

"I trust these guys not to blow it up if you wanted to walk. Or something." Ivy said, wiping her face. "You doing much?"

"I have to go and get changed. And then, would you like to?"

Ivy grinned. "Of course, princess." She turned to start working on the ship again. Erin smiled and walked back towards the palace.

She walked through the halls, undoing the tie in her hair. It wasn't often that she felt genuinely happy, but she felt very intrigued. I mean, it's not often a mysterious traveler arrives. She had always longed for seeing the stars, but because of her position, and the Empire's cruel grip, she had never been able to. And now she wanted to know everything.

A tall, bald man walked up behind her. "Princess Erin, your father requests your presence as soon as possible." He said, in a slow, monotone voice.

"Oh, thanks Enoch. Tell him that I'll meet him at dinner."

"I am afraid he is waiting in your chambers."

Erin stopped and looked annoyed. "Thanks, Enoch, I'll go there now." She entered her room and saw Nora sat on her bed.

"Hey darling. Look, I'm sorry I snapped earlier." He said. "I was just worried for you, that's all I worry about, you know that."

"Of course, Dad." Erin sat down across from him. "I just didn't see it as that big a deal."

"Well there's nothing we can do about that now. But you have to be careful of the Pilot, we are a royal family, we can't allow random travellers just to pitch up with us. You need to be more responsible in future." Nora said, standing up.

"And how do you suggest I do that?"

Nora paused, before turning around. "I was just on a holocall to the Royal House."

Erin looked confused. The Royal House was the democracy government below the monarch, and there hadn't been any major decisions by them since the Empire. "And... what did they say?"

"They want to elect a monarch as soon as possible. To start a new chapter in the planets history." Nora said, looking out the window.

"Oh... so you're going to take a bigger role?" 

"Erin I... couldn't. No king can rule without a queen, and without you mother... I could never find anyone else."

"Well, this is a time of emergency!" Erin said. "Can't that bend the rules so you can stay in power? You are a great leader, you didn't compromise, even for the Empire."

"The people don't want anymore rule-bending." Nora said, still unable to look at his daughter. "And me and the house came to a mutual agreement that the face of Naboo under Empire rule was not a good look. I have to be seen to try and move the planet forward, over my own personal gain."

There was a small moment of stunned silence as Erin tried to think of a reply. "So... we would stop being royals?" As a democracy, Naboo had to elect their monarch and their house of royals once every five years.

"That's the issue. Imagine volunteering to take charge at such a pivotal point like this, nobody would stand, the parties are still in turmoil."

"So... what are you suggesting?" Erin said, worried.

Nora took a deep breath and turned around. "The house will call a snap election at the end of the week. I will announce I'm stepping down. There may be new House members but... you will stand unopposed for Queen."

Another silence. "Wait... Me? Queen?" Erin said, stunned.

"That way our family retains power, and keep the people happy. I know it's not the best solution, but these are tough times." Nora said. "But you must keep this a secret. We can't have another party choosing to oppose, that is, unless you really don't want to rule."

Without a moments hesitation, Erin responded. "If you believe it is best for the planet, and best for the people, then I am ready. I shall run for queen." 

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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