"Why is that a problem, lady Y/N?"

"Because whenever she leaves the house, she leaves a note or she tells me before she's leaving."

"You haven't been here for weeks, and she wouldn't need to leave a note if you're not here."

"I guess... it's just weird. Well, come inside. We can't sit out here all day."

I helped pull him up from his seat before walking back into the house. It was only 10 in the morning. I didn't need to be worried.

As we sat there switching between watching tv and making food, I began to worry. The hours passed by, and there was no sign of her. It wasn't like her to be late. I knew something was wrong from the second I stepped into the house. It was too quiet.

"Happy, Thor, there's something wrong she's not here; it's been hours."

"I'll call Tony."

On the phone:

Happy: Tony, she's not here

Tony: What do you mean she's not there? Where is she?

Happy: We don't know we've been here for hours, and she hasn't shown.

Tony: Bring Y/N and Thor back here, and we'll figure out where Mrs no-show is.

"Come on, guys, we're going back to the tower."

"What about my mom? Where is she?"

"We don't know we're trying to figure that out."

"Lady Y/N, everything will be alright." Thor smiled.

"I hope," I said as I got back into the limo. We drove back to the stark tower, once again, my thoughts were overcome by my subconscious. I was worried and stressed. What if the same men who took me took my mom? I didn't know if they were torturing her or if she was already dead. What if she couldn't handle them.

Thoughts and what-ifs flooded my mind.

We pulled up to the Stark Tower and got out of the limo. We walked into the building and into the elevator. It felt like forever before we finally reached the right floor. As soon as the doors opened, I raced towards Tony.

"Tony, where is she?"

"Woah, calm down and hold on a sec. We're pulling up satellite footage from your mom's house yesterday after we called her. It should be on the big screen... now."

I turned towards the big screen in front of the couch. The tape played for a few seconds before a black van pulled into the driveway. As soon as the men stepped out of the car, my stomach turned. I could feel my heart pounding through my chest like someone was trying to wrench it out.

They picked the lock on my door and let themselves in. She was helpless and alone. I had left her and didn't bother checking in on her. Now she was gone. I watched as they pulled her fighting body out of the doorway and into the car. I turned away from the screen as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

Blinking them back and pulling myself together, "How do we help her? How do we find her?" I demanded.

"Y/N they took her to H.Y.D.R.A lab we were trying to get into today. There's no way to get in without being outnumbered. There are guards at every entrance, soldiers upon soldiers inside with weapons we can't identify at the moment, and we picked up small mines spread throughout the area. We can't get to her without risking her life."

"So what do we do? Just sit here and wait for them to just let her go!?"

"We're gonna send 2 people to stake out from an abandoned building to note everything we can about the guards and the lab. Unfortunately, Clint is injured from the mission and Wanda, and Vision's assistance is needed somewhere else at the moment. Which is all very convenient for us, isn't it." he finished sarcastically.

Indecisive (Loki Laufeyson x Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now