Gaming Time (Neptune)

Start from the beginning

*Acquired 1000 credits*

"Wow...thanks." You smiled.

"I see you've met Nep and the others. How's your leg, by the way?"

"It's a little bruised, but I should be out of here in a few days." You hummed. "Although I really should be out of here as soon as I can, I've got my apartment to go back and clean up, after all."

"With the way you were in pain from earlier, I'd advise against that."

"Iffy's right." Compa added. "Why don't you stay for a while, you shouldn't go against a nurse's orders."

"Umm, shouldn't that be doctor's orders?"

"(Y/N), you shouldn't take light of the generous offer in front of you." Histoire said. "We do not have males in this room often, please make yourself comfortable and rest well for the time being."

"See, Histy knows what's up." Neptune added. "I would like to rest well for the time being too."

Histoire frowned at her. "Start doing that Neptune and you will not be resting ever again."


"Well, I better get going." IF said. "You better take it easy for now, (Y/N). I'll let the guild know you won't be able to work for a coupe of days, got it?"

You decided to cave in and nod. "Alright, thanks for covering for me."

"No problem, see ya." IF left the room.

"I should get going too." Compa began to leave. "Oh and Nep-Nep, I remembered to get the puddings you wanted."

"Sweet! You're da bomb, Compa." Neptuna said happily.

Compa giggled and left the room.

"So (Y/N), if I may ask. Do you work with the Guild along with IF?" Histoire asked.

"Only as a recruit, I'm trying to gain further experience so I can become stronger." You answered. "However, it seems the quest I took on yesterday was more than I could handle."

"Well if you ask me, I can take on any quest and come home a winner." Neptune bragged.

"That's a bit of wishful thinking, Neptune." Nepgear replied.

"It may be unlike me to say this, but I must agree with Compa." Histoire said. "The three of you should rest for today. Work activity is light today, so the basilicom staff and myself will watch over the paperwork."

"Alright, thanks La...I mean, Histoire." You replied.

Histoire smiled and asked Nepgear to open the door, so she could fly out of the room.

"Say, I have an idea, (Y/N)." Neptune said. "Why don't we fire up the console and start a gaming marathon?"


"It'll be fun, Planeptune's number one when it comes to fun after all."


Neptune immediately sat near the TV and turned it on along with the console and brought out two controllers.

"Nep. Jr, wanna join?" She asked.

"Sorry Neptune, I promised to meet up with Uni after work." Nepgear replied. "Maybe another time."

She smirked. "Alrighty, have fun smoochin' with her in the bedroom or whatever."

Nepgear blushed. "D-d-don't tease me like that, please?"

"Don't sweat over it, sister. Everyone in the fanbase knows you and Uni have the hots for each other."

"Umm, can I say something?" You intervened. "Do you tease your sister a lot?"

"Only when the person writes this story wants me to?"

You blinked. "Wait, what the..."

"Goodness...I should probably go before the situation gets more meta." Nepgear left the room.

"Aaaaanyways, what games do you have here?" You asked.

"Well, I have a lot." Neptune answered. "Why don't you pick one, buddy?"


You glanced over at her game collection, it amazed you that she had a lot. But there was one you were curious on and you went to pick up the case, only to have your hand being suddenly touched by Neptune's, seems that she had the same idea as you. You gasped as you felt her touch and looked at her.

"Whoops, guess you wanted to play this one too, huh?" Neptune giggled. "Well, let's put this in and game until our eyes go jelly."

"Umm...o-okay." You replied, blushing a little.

Neptune put the game in and she gave you the player two controller. Your mind was still in a bit of a daze though. You were still thinking over the moment when you felt Neptune's hand. You weren't stupid though, for a long time, you had grown fond of the nation's CPU, but you never knew that she was this girl. You now considered yourself lucky that you were connecting with her at a quick pace, as if you had known each other for a long time.

You smiled and looked at her as you both started playing the first game, you couldn't help but develop a crush on a beautiful girl-*correction, a crush on a sexy goddess!*-hey, get away from the keyboard, Neptune! Ahem! Anyways, you couldn't help but develop a crush on Neptune. The slight made you want a little more. Perhaps to hold her hand...or even cuddle her if there would be a chance?

But of course, you being a normal citizen who holds a tough job at the guild and her being a CPU of a nation made you believe that she's out of your league and wouldn't go for someone like you. But then again, she seemed happy to be playing with you, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to at least give it a try.

"Alright...I'm gonna push my luck." You whispered to yourself as you and Neptune continued playing.

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