Mr. Philza was one of the only teachers George actually liked talking about, mostly because he just let the kids play video games while he walked around and watched. Surely there was the occasional lesson, but otherwise it was gaming competitions in the class.

"You do anything fun this weekend?" Phil asked, setting his coffee onto the white table. Jack turned his body around since his papers were already in the machine and copying.

"Not really." His mind raced to his date with Arielle, and he felt a blush coming to his cheeks again. But he tried to shake it off. He knew it wouldn't be the best idea to tell anyone.

"Seriously? A guy like you didn't do anything fun on the weekend?"

Jack grinned, looking down to the floor. "I had a date."

"Lucky girl then. Did it go well?"

"Yeah, very well actually."

"Great. I'm happy for you," he said while grabbing his coffee cup. He picked it off the table and gestured it to the man, a small smirk taking place on his lips.

"What about you? Any fun dates?"

"Honestly, I just stayed home with my wife."

"That sounds fun."

The machine beeped, signaling his papers were all done. He turned around and put his fingers underneath the pile and lifted them up.

"I gotta get going, but have a nice day," he said, turning around again and making his way out the door.

"You as well. Good luck with the girl."


Arielle set her bag down as she sat at her desk, pulling out her notebook and a pen that was sitting at the bottom of her backpack.

Mr. Techno walked in shortly after, holding the stack of papers in his hand. She watched as he dropped them on his desk and turned to face the class.

"In your seats, please," he said, referring to the students that were still standing up and talking to their friends. They listened and followed his instructions, making their way back into their assigned seats.

"Good morning everyone." 

A couple of 'good mornings' escaped the mouths of the students, a majority of them being from the students who actually talked in the class.

"I hope your weekend was great but unfortunately we're gonna start on our next unit."

He walked to the chalkboard, writing the things he needed to down.

"For the past, well, probably for the past seven or so years of your life you've been learning about the beginnings of countries, economic struggles and growth, etc. And I am also assuming that it was all based around America and Europe."

He wrote 'The Six Dynasties Period' on the board, leaving a bit of space below it to write even more.

"So we're gonna focus on things you probably haven't learned yet."

𝐃𝐎 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑. technoblade Where stories live. Discover now