The boy spared her a look. "I live in the dorms too."

The girl's confusion was evident in her expression. "What? Why?" She sputtered, looking back at the mansion once more. She found it absurd that he was willing to stay at a tiny dorm room when he had their mansion literally 15 minutes away.

Minho merely shrugged. "It's convenient." He steered the car, doing a turn. "So, I'm not driving you. You're merely hitching a ride."

Gyeoul knew his words were true but her lips could not help but curl in annoyance. She glowered in her seat with crossed arms. She decided to keep quiet and turned to the window. "The university's that way." She said instead, pointing at the opposite direction when she realised that they were driving towards an unfamiliar road.

"I'm aware."

"Then, why..?" Gyeoul trailed off waiting for a response.

She glowered in her seat again when she received no reply. His replies– or lack thereof, irked her more than words could explain.

"I've always thought you were out to get me but I didn't think it would come this early." She said monotonously, keeping her eyes the road in front of her.

Minho snickered in his seat. "I'm flattered that you think about me." He said, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Gyeoul tried to remind herself that the person she was sitting next to was in fact her boss. She bit her tongue to prevent the colourful words from flying out of her mouth. The last thing she wanted was for her source of income to end before it could even start.

She decided to just shut her mouth for the sake of the both of them. She wasn't even surprised that the person beside him kept shut as well. If anything, she was thankful.

The car was enveloped with silence. One would think that total strangers would feel awkward from being left alone together and yet none of the two felt any sort of discomfort. It was eerily peaceful.

Gyeoul had not noticed how much the time had passed when the car finally halted to a stop.

Confused, she looked out the window. "A convenience store?" She unintentionally voiced out, seeing the glowing sign right outside from where they were parked. "Craving a cancer stick?" She raised a brow.

Minho lazily raised a brow back. He took off his seatbelt before stepping out the vehicle, once again, leaving the girl with nothing.

Did a cat steal his damn tongue?

Gyeoul grew more confused when Minho opened the door for her. "Get out." He said.

The girl wondered if he hated her so much that he refused to drive her back to the dorms and went all the way out there with the intent of abandoning her.

"I'm not going to leave you out here." Minho sighed, seeming to see the horror in the girl's face.

At that vague assurance, Gyeoul skeptically stepped out of the car. "I don't smoke." She said pointlessly.

The boy shut the car's door, locked it, before spinning around towards the direction of the store. "Neither do I."

Having no choice, the girl trailed after him. They entered the store together. She expected for him to head to one of the sandwich aisles, thinking that he was hungry or maybe even the beverage side of the store but much to her ever growing confusion, he went straight to the staff room.

She casted a glance at one of the employee behind the counter who seemed to not mind.

Minho stepped out of the room, now clad in the store's employee vest.

What the fuck is happening?


"So you work here?"



"Why else do people work?"

Gyeoul's brows twisted in the most unflattering way. "You're literally loaded. Have you seen your house?" She asked incredulously.

Minho arranged the microwaveable goods on the shelves, checking its expiration dates. "My parents are 'loaded'." He corrected, tossing an expired sandwich on a separate basket.

The girl pursed her lips at his words. She did not know much about the dude yet she could not help but feel awed at his morals or principles, whatever it is. She would never let him know but she respected the way how he was not leeching off of his parents.

She wondered whether she would be doing the same thing if she were in his shoes. If she were privileged enough to not work, would she still?

"Whatever." She mumbled. "Why drag me here with you?" She sneered.

"Can't afford to be late for work."

"You could have dropped me off at the nearest bus station."

"My bad." The insincerity in his voice made the girl grit her teeth.

She groaned, realising that there was no point in having a conversation with him. She was hungry and tired and certainly had enough of him. "I'm leaving." She spun on her heels yet not a second later was back to his side. "I left my bag in your car." She extended her open palm, expecting for Minho to give the car keys.

He merely looked at her hands before ignoring it and went back to discarding goods. "Not a chance."

"I'm not a going to drive off with it." Gyeoul rolled her eyes, purposely leaving the embarrassing fact that she could not even drive.

Minho shrugged. "You destroyed my headlights. Who knows what else you can do."

The girl's cheeks glowed in both embarrassment and fury. "You destroyed my skirt." She shot back.

He smirked at this. "Not the only thing I'm capable of." He said, meeting her eyes.

"You are disgusting."

"And you are cashless." He shrugged once more. "Now shut up, wait for my shift to finish, and then I'll drive you."

(a/n: long overdue update but happy valentines day everyone! :> happy birthday to jaehyun! and happy day to you all! stay safeeeeee~ <3)

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