One Year

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Sissie POV

It has been a year since Brantley came to tell me that Pop was gone. As I lay here looking back I know that losing him was what brought Brantley and I back together. I never would have came back. I sure would never have thought that we would be together again, but here we are. I sit up and I see a letter with my name on it . Picking it up I know it is B's handwriting and my heart skips a beat as I place my hand on my heart I realize I have on a choker .

  Karissa June you know me well enough to know that it is often easier for me to write down how I am feeling than to talk about it. But today I wanted to write this down so you would always have a reminder of how committed I am to you and how much I love you.  When I almost lost you in the plane crash, my whole world stopped. I knew then and started working on the piece of jewelry you are now wearing. Your collar. The one piece of jewelry that if you choose to accept will never be taken off. As we have discussed at length the level of commitment a collar means, and even though you say that is what you want I have left the key to it in this letter. If you accept my collar and you agree to be my submissive then you may bring me the key and I will hold it close to my heart. I know I am not worthy of your love and I thank God every day that you came back into my life. I am a better man now than I was when we were kids. I hate we spent so much time apart but I know that for us to get here to this point, that we both needed that time to find our way. To find out who we were without the other one. I love you Karissa June and even if you don't accept it , I will always love you. You have my heart now and forever. You will find me at our spot, come naked with just your collar if you want this.
Yours always,

My heart beats out of my chest and I run to the mirror to see what B has done. It takes my breath away. It is a heart surrounded by wings.  I'm nervous but I know this is what I want more than anything . He is what I want, I realized I couldn't live without him. As I head downstairs I know that today changes my life in so many ways. I am no longer alone, I will have someone who has proven in the last year no matter how much I try to push him away he will be there standing beside me and helping me.


As I sit here on the back deck waiting my heart is beating a mile a minute. If I was still drinking I would need one about now. I laid my heart out for Sissie and I am scared that it won't be enough or that it actually will be to much. So I sit and I wait thinking about the past year . We had to go to the lawyers office yesterday to finish the reading of Carey's will. He had saved and invested and Sissie is now a very rich woman. And the first thing she said was I want to donate and start a foundation to help veterans and their families adjust back into civilian life, especially those who have been wounded. I can't help but smile, she never ceases to amaze me with her heart and love for others.
I am pulled out of my thoughts as I hear the door open and close. I do not turn around , I am almost afraid to. Then I see her, with nothing but her collar on. She comes and kneels at my feet with her head bowed and her hands out with the key held in them. I can't help the tears from falling, there isn't a more precious sight than Sissie in a submissive pose waiting for me , her Dom, to give her instructions. As I reach down and lift her chin I see the glassy eyes full of tears and I take the key and place it on a chain that I will always wear to keep it next to my heart. I look at her and I ask her, " Are you sure?"
Sissie looks at me with love shining through and her voice strong, and says,  " I have never been more sure of anything in my life Brantley Keith . I love you and I freely give you my heart , body and soul."
With those words I pull her into my lap and as my lips meet hers I know that this is where we are meant to be. We always were it just took us a while to get here.

Thank you all for following BG and Sissie, I know it has been a while since I wrote and I'm sorry. Life has had different plans for me. And to be honest I knew it was time to wrap it up and just couldn't bring myself to close this chapter . But today is time.

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