Wolfish Affection - Chapters 11-13

Start from the beginning

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs King." I smiled, attempting to be charming.

Mrs King took my hand and smiled back. "Likewise and it's Phoebe."

"As in the designer?"

"The very same." Mrs King grinned smugly. "What're you making for dinner Frannie?" She asked, looking at the untoughed ingredients.

"Quiche, mom." Franes groaned, rolling her eyes and grinning cheekily at me. She pulled her dark, wavy hair into a ponytail as she prepared the dinner. I looked away from Fran to talk to her mother, but she's already left the room.

"Here." Fran handed me a packet of mushrooms. "

Sautè them in the pan until they're yummy." I silently thanked God that I knew how to cook.

We worked quickly, turning the ingredients into a quiche. One it was in the oven, we both leaned against the island counter, facing each other.

"What are we going to do? While they're eating, I mean."

Fran grimaced. "Well...My mom's used to me not eating, but if she eats with Saph and she might get a bit suspicious if we both don't eat."

"Uh...Shall I take you out then?" I grinned, coiling an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

Fran smiled coyly. "Maybe. Can I see Jack?"

I pulled her close and rested my head on her shoulder.

"We can do whatever you want." I whispered in her ear.

Fran put her arms around my neck, we wrapped each other on a warm embrace, her head resting on my shoulder, her breath warming my neck. I heard Sapphire scamper into the kitchen, but that didn't break us apart.

"You're not going to start kissing him again are you Fwannie?" Sapphire groaned.

"No, Saph. I'm not." Fran groaned, her breath whistling in my ear.

"'Cause if you do, I'll tell mommy and show Taylor how loud I can shout." Sapphire cautioned.

"Whatever." Fran murmured, burying her face in my neck. We stood for a minute longer and then oven timer started beeping.

"Always an interruption." She grumbled, more to herself than me.

She divided the quiche into portions and then shouted, "Dinner's ready!"

Sapphire and Mrs King were at the table instantly. Fran took the portions of quiche out of the pan and placed them on warm plates. She picked up the plates and started to carry them to the table.

"Let me." I said, gently prising the plates from her hands. I carried the plates to the table, placing the smaller portion in front of Sapphire and the larger in front of Phoebe. They instantly started eating, without saying thank you.

"Careful Saph. It's hot." Frances warned.

"Are you guys not eating?" Phoebe asked through a mouthful of quiche.

"Uh..." Frances stammered, unable to think of an excuse.

Time to lie.

I thought. "I was going to take Fran out tonight, dinner and a movie."

"That's fine. Home by twelve, bonus points for 11.45." Fran's mom said, not looking up from her quiche.

I held out my hand for Fran to take. She smiled warmly, walked towards me and took my hand. I led her out of the kitchen and out of the house. I didn't care that we were going to see her brother. I just wanted to be with her.

Thirteen - Frances

I let Taylor lead me out of the kitchen, towards the front door. He took my keys off the hook that I'd nailed in last summer and handed them to me. The moment I placed my hand on the door knob to open it, it swung open to reveal my dad, who was wearing a flourecent jacket and carried a rifle in his hand. He'd been hunting again. I thought he was going to give me a hug or something nice like that.

But the thought was crushed when he boomed, "What's for dinner?"

I sighed. "Quiche, Dad."

He patted his stomach and plodded towards the kitchen. I stood still for a second, just out of self pity, forgetting that Taylor was stood behind me.

"Let's get out of here." He whispered in my ear, our hands still linked. He pushed me gently out of the still open door. Together, we headed into the cool September evening.

I led him to my parked car and handed him the keys. His black eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You're gonna have to drive, I have no idea where I'm going!" I explained cheerfully.

Taylor smiled and opened the passenger door for me. "M'lady." He joked, mock bowing.

I climbed in and did up my seatbelt. Taylor did the same. I looked out of the window to see Sapphire's small face appear appear at the bathroom window. I waved at her and she waved back. Somehow, instinct told me that she wasn't looking out of the window just to wave goodbye. She was there on a higher authority.

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