"Where are we going now?" He draped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. "All in due time Y/N" I groaned. "You're so mysterious" He scoffed. "You love it" I leaned against his shoulder. "No comment" He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. He then led us towards the forest, pushing branches and leaves away. "Are you planning on killing me, Oliver?" He laughed. "If I did, what would I tell Zoe?" I smirked. "I don't know, you would figure something out" He laughed. "I'm pretty sure she would kill me before I could come up with a decent lie" I laughed too. "What were you expecting, she has both of our murderous DNA" We both laughed, Oliver still pushing branches away. "You still don't remember this place?" I shook my head. "Should I?" He sighed. "I'll give you a hint. Charlie" I froze in my tracks, everything clicked in my mind. "This is were she planned our date" He nodded with a small smile. "Ten points to Y/N" I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully. "Just lead the way Oliver" He laughed and kept pushing branches away. Until we once again came up to the clearing were we had our first successful planned date.

He waved his wand and a blanket appeared, he laid it down and placed a basket on top, just like the first time. "Woah" He laughed. "You like it?" I nodded. "I love it" He smirked. "More than you love me?" I smirked back as he pulled me closer to his chest by the waist. "I love this more" He chuckled and carried me. "Oliver!" He laughed and I was forced to wrap my legs around his waist so I didn't fall. "Oliver, you're going to make me fall!" He laughed and held onto my legs so I didn't fall. I laughed as well and he slowly put me down on the blanket, with him hovering over me. "You're insane" He smirked and kissed my cheek. "Insanely in love" I scoffed. "I mean insane, insane" He kissed my other cheek. "Only for you" I rolled my eyes. "You are so cheesy" He laughed and kissed my nose. "I promise I'll go back to normal tomorrow" I laughed. "And you also have terrible aim" He laughed back and kissed my lips. "Better?" I laughed back. "Much" We both smirked and he leaned in again, both of us meeting in the middle.

Who knows how long we stayed like that, until my stomach grumbled and we pulled away. "My stomach demands food" He laughed and rolled off of me. I sat up and searched through the basket. First came out a box I wasn't expecting to see there. "Oliver Wood. What is this?" He looked and burst out laughing. "That is in case we get bored and you don't want Zoe to have a brother or sister" I shook my head and threw Oliver the box, he caught it and started laughing again. "You are impossible" He laughed even louder, I shook my head. I searched in the basket again until I found food. "Finally! My one true love" Oliver scoffed. "You know I'm right here" I smirked and unwrapped the pasties. "I said what I said Oliver" He laughed and I threw him a pasty, he caught it and took a bite out of it. "I never understood your obsession with these. They're good but-" I pointed my pasty threateningly at Oliver. "Don't you finish that sentence" We both had serious looks on our faces. Until we couldn't contain the laughter anymore and we burst out laughing. "I haven't laughed like this in ages" He smirked. "What about that time when Zoe threatened me with a spoon if I didn't give her one of your pasties" I laughed. "You're right, that was hilarious" He scoffed. "For you maybe. I didn't know who I was more scared of, you or her" I laughed even louder. "You should definitely be more scared of her, she carries your genes as well" He rolled his eyes and threw me a nearby leaf. I couldn't stop laughing.

After we both calmed down we laid on our backs, our hands intertwined next to each other. "This really is nice" He sighed. "Yeah. We've both been so busy" I sighed and rested my head on his chest. "You don't say mister keeper" He chuckled. "Definitely am one" I groaned. "How many more times will you use that joke?" He smirked. "Until I can't speak anymore" I rolled my eyes and he flipped over so he was on top of me. I smirked. "Such a nice sight" He smirked and started leaning in. "Could you move over, you're blocking the sight" He pulled back and rolled his eyes. "When will you stop being so anti love?" I pecked him on the lips. "When I can't think anymore" We both laughed as he rolled off of me. He snaked his arm around my waist and I cuddled into him, closing my eyes.

"Wanna bet?" An Oliver Wood x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now