the first mission

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"All recruits board ur horses!!" Commander Erwin belted as he mounted his pristine white stallion.

I proceeded to follow his orders and heard a little "tch" from behind me as I did so . I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself at my immaturity as Captain it's our duty to protect those who follows he's most likely stressed of the pressure he's under with his regrets we may not have a stable relationship or a relationship at all, he's humanities strongest soldier but he's still human and I worry for my recruits too.

we charged into the the grassy Moore also claimed as titan territory , riding towards the horizon I noticed a familiar horse ride up next to mine with a four eyed human as it's rider, hanji "well hello there my dear " she chuckled. Despite being in the open prone to all dangers, she was never one to shut down an opportunity to explore, turns out I admired her more then I realized.

I gave her that cold unreadable stare,  yet she took no notice, "so where were u yesterday I didn't see u at training camp ,were u doing something dirty with the captain" I'll give her the benefit of the doubt she may be crazy but she was sharp and we scouts had not much entertainment other than people watching and training.

I gave hanji a shrug before I heard the cry of Erwin to split off into groups.a titan or titans had been spotted.

  I steered my horse towards Levi's group separating myself from hanji as she trailed off in her own . She gave me a dramatic cry as we parted to which I giggled and gave her a blow kiss in response.

"I'll be back before dinner!" I chanted laughing before focusing on the path ahead of me . I then locked eye contact with Levi as I noticed him glaring at me from the front of the pack , I didn't exactly know what I was supposed to do so I gave him a wink as if trying to amuse him .as soon as I winked he sneered at me

"Y/n I'm gonna need u to focus and to try to kill that titan over there do u see it ? " He used his baby like hands to point over to a tree where a titan was standing using it to hide behind as if we were playing hide and seek or something. A quintessential sight of a child.

I scoffed at the lowly sight  before charging head first towards it focusing all my attention on slicing it's nape . I use my ODM gear to hoist myself up into the sky back summer saulting in the air before using my blades to carve his nape out blood splattering onto my face . I scowled as I wiped the disgusting smell that contaminated the blood on my face before heading back down to my horse landing on it at just the perfect angle as we then headed back to regroup ."nice kill" I heard Sasha ( rip I am writing this a day after THAT episode ) mutter under her breath . I smiled at her and thanked her causing her to perk up a smile in return .

We continued the mission gaining kills losing comrades watching them get eating enfuriating and filling out rage and hatred for titans but also getting more annoyed at hanjis high pitched shrills after encountering a rather large abnormal titan" god does this bitch ever shut up " I heard Jean whine just behind me as we headed back to the walls " oh shush , horse face leave her alone " I scoffed just as we neared the entrance, back inside the walls at last I heard a major sigh from my other comrades and some even cried as we headed back to base without our other comrades . This mission was truly a disappointment.

"JUst aNoThEr DAy fOr tHe sURvey corPs "

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