i love you

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Dear user,

I'm writing this for you so please find this. I'm writing this book and there will be many parts, this is the first one.

How are you doing today? Have you ate today? If not, please eat something small. You deserve to be happy and here. I love you, if no one does then i do. everything that you hate about yourself, I will love it for you.

Please don't let people get to you, don't let them drag you! You've got this. I'm so proud of you.

so lost in a world that doesn't feel like my own and i am so tired, sleep doesnt help if it's the soul that's tired. i dont mean to do what i do, i promise i dont. you don't have to worry, okay? everything will be okay.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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