Earthquake: 2-Vervain

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Klaus POV

I had just compelled Cami to leave town when I went home to find Elijah there. He had accused me of using my baby for my own gain. "Haven't you had your fill of telling me all the ways I disappointed you Elijah?" I wasn't in the mood to talk. I didn't want to compel her to leave town, truth be told I found that I wanted her to be near me, I wanted to keep talking to her, but I had to keep her safe more than I had to have her. So I did something that I never do, I sacrificed something that I wanted for the pure reason because it was better for her. I had to let go of something that I truly desired, and more than I cared to admit it, it was weighing on me. She was stuck in my head all I wanted to do was go upstairs and look at the picture I had just painted of her. 

I knew I was going over to compel her to leave town, so I asked if I could paint her and she agreed. I don't know if it was because she had felt sorry for what I showed her in my mind or if she had planned to never speak to me again after that and wanted something for me to remember her by. Maybe if I never compelled her she would have shut me out of her life for good on her own. At least I would never have to know if that were the case.  I still can't believe I opened up to her, let her in my mind, showed her who I really was and I still can't believe that she reacted the way she did. That she made me feel accepted, that she made me feel like I could be more, good, loved, and that if I let her in she could be the one to change me. I felt the power she had over me and it scared me. I was vulnerable to her and Klaus Mikaelson was vulnerable to no one.

"There is something important we need to discuss" Elijah said and then he apologized to me a genuine apology and I knew it was hard for him to say just like it was hard for me to send Camille away earlier and that made me soften toward him. I told him that him and Rebekah were welcome here if they wanted. 

I ran into Camille the next night on the street and it caught me off guard and her emotions caught me off guard. She was fuming mad!

"Surprised to see me, after all you compelled me to leave town!" she was seething in anger.

"You remember?" I was nervous that means she remember being in my mind, all my secrets-everything about me, me using her as a spy, the nights I came to her balcony, our kiss...

She seemed to focus only on the fact that I had used her and then compelled her away.

"I was never on vervain Klaus, my uncle Kieran told me about the vampires the second I got into town. But, seeing how you want me to leave I think I'll do the exact opposite. Oh and if you hurt Davina or Josh in any way I will expose you to the world and then you can kiss the French Quarter good bye.. Forever", she got in my face to throw eternity back at me just so I knew that she knew I was vampire, then her shoulder bumped me as she walked away. It's pathetic that the contact she made in anger burned through my jacket and I craved more. 

I was angry though too that she lied to me about the vervain. But, then I was confused, if she had never been compelled, she kissed me on her own, she got to know me on her own, she put herself in danger... what was her angle?

Now with Camille hating me, I could go back to hating myself, to endless cycles of death. I got a call to help some old friends so I went back to Mystic Falls. I had sex with a girl there named Caroline, I had been pursuing her for a while and as satisfying as I was, It all went to hell that night when I saw Marcel feed on Cami's neck. 

I had received a phone call when I got back from Mystic Falls and I smiled as soon as I saw the name on caller ID, "I wasn't expecting a call from you so soon." My happiness was short lived when she explained why she called, "Some witch doctor is killing Marcel, you need to get to Rousseau's right now." I told her to get as far away from there as possible. I hated that she was with Marcel, and I hated she was still involved in this supernatural danger. When I got there Marcel wasn't dead and Cami came in asking to help. I tried to tell her to leave, but her being her, she refused. "I'll do it, you don't control me anymore remember" It stung, that she was going to let him take her blood...

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