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Marcus kain Jennings | twenty one | heterosexual

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Marcus kain Jennings | twenty one | heterosexual

Single | not talking | maybe interested

charming | respectful | daring

traveler | boxes for fun | sunsets | late night walks | deep conversations | hot chocolate with cinnamon

Marcus is well known, he's a famous lawyer who sent criminals to prison. Marcus grew up wealthy. his parents being lawyers as well. but when he watched his cousin get sentenced to life to prison after a false murder and that's when he knew he wanted to change everything and help people who can't be helped. Marcus has been couple of serious relationships but once they all find out that he has an arrow on his back twenty four seven because of angry gangs or friends and family that put their love one in jail, but he has high security and he knows how to defend himself and loved ones.


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fantasy dreams ✨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora