The Interview

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9:06 A.M
Girl! Kayla told me she's moving out??

Yeah, she's moving in with Artie ... I'm interviewing potential roomies this afternoon :(

Aww, I'm sorry babe <3 LMK if I can do anything.

Will do. I'll keep u posted abt the new roommate

Hello, this is Spencer Reid. I'm here about the apartment you're renting out... I'm out front.

Great! I'll be right down.

"Hey! Welcome," I say, pulling the metal screen door towards me while extending my hand.
"Hello" he gives me a quick wave while he looks down and away from my desolate hand. Weird.

I lead him upstairs and give him the tour.
"You'll have your own room and bathroom of course, and I'm willing to give you the office as a workspace, I don't work from home much." I mention as I continue towards the kitchen.
"Oh wow- grea- great." He stutters awkwardly... it's kind of cute though.

We make it through the apartment with occasional conversation when I motion for him to sit down at the dining table. He puts his satchel on the chair next to him, fidgets with his hands and eventually makes eye contact with me. This is the first time I've actually studied him. He has gorgeous hazel eyes along with messy brown hair. We stare at each other for a prolonged period of time before I snap back to reality.

"So!" I startled him, "what do you do for work?"
"I work for the FBI. I travel a lot for work, and have crazy hours."
Hmm. Maybe he wouldn't be a bad roommate after all.
"Yeah, I have unsteady hours too. I'm a paramedic with the DC fire department."
He looks at me raising a brow, he seems impressed. Our eyes linger at one another before I bite my bottom lip and we both start to laugh.

"Well Spencer..." I announce leaning back in my chair, "seems like you'd be a good fit."
"Oh- really?" He sounds pleasantly surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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