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Hello! This mans has been HIGHLY requested! by highly I mean 3 people 😂 since two AMAZING people gave me a plot I mixed them together into this 😂
So technically they made this- I just wrote their ideas- yall have sexy brains.

AlI'm placing a line from 2 song in there and if yall find it you'll get a gold star ⭐️

Sexy brain people: @Kuroshiro000 @ANIMEEEEE101

Plot: we dating our boo but he cheating :0 we don't know but weird ass bold man does cause he sees ALL! He gets pissed n shit- we break up with bf cause our pussy is gold and he ain't worth it. We do a few games but notice the bold man keeps following us and is REALLY protective 👀 or he's just a psychopathic stalker who knows WHAHAHAHAHAHA (it's 1:30...I have class tomorrow....I'm class rep and do the hardest version on the work in all my classes :D send

Word count: 2566

Spicy level: WHO KNOWS AHAHAH...Help me

*Y/n's P.O.V*

I stare at my boyfriend from across the room as he strikes up convocation with a woman. I stand up and skip over to him. "Yutaaaa! Your here?~" not to be the cute clingy girlfriend but that's kinda what I am. He likes it so I didn't see a reason to stop.

"Ah- Y-y/n! Baby~ do you mind getting me a drink huh?" I nod my head before skipping off blissful to the very large kitchen

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Ah- Y-y/n! Baby~ do you mind getting me a drink huh?" I nod my head before skipping off blissful to the very large kitchen. I was a normal member of the beach that had been dragged along with Yuta when he'd been scouted out. Him ranked #56 and myself #204.

After entering and scanning the range of drinks before pulling out a simple lemonade- who didn't like lemonade?.

(It's my fav drink 😘 I LIKE SPRITE!...AND HAMBURGER- sorry I'm not okey tonight 😂)

I lean back up and spin failing to notice the tall male behind me. I blink slowly as I stare up at him. Without looking away the make silently leans closer, the air following out his nose brazes my after. I can't help but shut my eyes due to his dark energy.

I hear a deep exhale fade as I feel his presence fade. I open my eyes clutching the soda can to see him leaving the distance sound of a plastic bottle being opened reached my ears- he was getting a drink- of course he was! What else would he have been doing!....apart from scaring the shit out of me.

I shake my body, forgetting the whole thing before allowing a bright smile to reach my face. I prance to the spot I left my boyfriend only to find it empty.

Alice in borderland Oneshots x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang