Kiss Kiss

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"Get me out of this house, and get me out of my head. Get me a drink and a cigarette." Bree Chang sang loudly over the sound of the rumbling dishwasher.

"I just need to go out 'cause I can sleep when I'm dead. Drop me off at The Rox on Sunset." A voice continued the song causing Bree to jump around, completely startled.

Machine Gun Kelly was standing at the entrance of the kitchen, his lips were twisted into a small smirk.

"Mr. Baker!" Bree tried to calm her heart as it jounced around in her chest. "I didn't expect you home."

It was a Saturday night and anyone who knew Kells, knew he was usually out either working or partying.

"Colson." He corrected. "Plans got cancelled." He explained, making his way to the fridge. "You've got a good voice."

"Um thanks." Bree replied, a warmth crept over her cheeks. She couldn't believe he had just walked in on her singing, especially his song.

"Did Cas go already?" He rested on arm on the top of the fridge and held the door open with the other, his face illuminated with the light streaming out.

"Yes, I dropped Casie off at her moms a few hours ago. I just came back to make you some food for the week."

As his nanny it was her job to take care of his daughter, Casie, when he had custody over her every other week. Though she was more of a housekeeper/chauffeur. She would clean the house, prepare the meals, and drive Casie to and from school then to whatever event her father had going on. She had only been with the Bakers for the past year but she had grown close with Casie and loved the job immensely.

During her off weeks she knew that her boss would only be eating junk, like ramen or boxed mac and cheese, if he ate anything at all.

He turned away from the fridge to assess the counter full of containers, all filled with several different meals. The lids of the containers sat to the side, each one had a note on top with the name and heating instructions carefully printed out.

"Shit, Bree. You're too good to us- to me."

"It's nothing."

"You're getting paid to look after Cas, you don't need to take care of me too."

"This is taking care of her." Bree grinned, meeting his piercing blue eyes. "I don't think Cas wants to spend her time here visiting you in the hospital after you suffer a heart attack from all the msg in those instant noodles."

He smiled back at her.

"I appreciate it, Bree. I really do."

"I'll just pop these all in the fridge and I'll get out of your hair." She started to close the containers. He grabbed a beer and headed over to the other side of the kitchen to get out of her way.

She could feel his gaze on her as she moved around the kitchen. Even as he pulled a blunt from his pocket and lit it, his eyes remained on her.

After the last of the food was stored she turned to look at him, his eyes were starting to become rimmed with a red tint.

"I'll see you in two weeks, Mr. Baker."

"Colson." He reminded her. "And you should stay, hang out a bit."

Bree couldn't find the words to respond.

"Unless you have other plans." Colson shrugged.

"No, I don't." Bree replied, instantly regretting it. She didn't want to sound like a loser with no Saturday night plans.

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