Chapter 9: Legilimency

Start from the beginning

Draco gave the boy a confused and exhausted glare. "What?"

"You haven't fucked Junie. You have basically fucked every girl at this school, worth your time, besides Juniper. And now you guys have...well, whatever you guys have going on and you still haven't fucked her."

"Why the fuck does it matter if i've fucked her or not?" Draco wasn't giving them the reaction they craved, but on the inside his intestines were boiling.

"So you haven't?" Blaise chimed in.

"I never said that." Draco hissed.

"So have you?" Theo pestered.

" I told you, there is no Forest and I. So whatever you're implying is stupid and none of your fucking business." Draco was getting more annoyed by the minute. It was almost embarrassing to him the fact that he hadn't fucked her, but deep down he didn't want to. Not yet at least. 

He hated himself for that.

"You like Juniper. Like you actually like her." Theo made sure to step across the room so that if Draco reacted poorly to his words he would have a fighting chance of escaping his grasp. He wasn't going to make the same mistake he did on their first night back.

"I don't like her. She's cocky, arrogant, and doesn't listen to anyone." Draco replied defensively.

"So she's you." Blaise mumbled.

Draco pretended to ignore him. "It doesn't matter if I haven't fucked her. I haven't fucked a lot of people."

"So you're going to sit here and say that the blood in your body wouldn't start boiling if you saw Junie tonight in the tight dress that I know she is wearing, dancing on someone? Miles per say?" Theo knew more than the others did. He didn't have to actually know to know. Draco's reaction was all he needed for confirmation, and Theo knew the name Miles would set something off in him.

Draco bit his lip turning his attention back to the lockers. "She can be a slut with whomever she pleases. Why should I give a flying fuck?" He really did give a fuck though. The thought of her dancing on Miles made him want to punch a hole straight through the metal lockers. "I'll be doing the same thing I do at all these stupid fucking parties anyways, sitting in the corner drinking and praying to fucking merlin that not a soul speaks to me."

"Wishing June would come and sit on your lap..." Blaise sighed.

But before Draco could respond, Edmund sat up. "Well, it looks like Draco won't be the only one." Edmund finally spoke up. "Colie is royally pissed at me so I'd be surprised if she even looked at me all night."

"She'll get over that, I saw her face every time you got hit. It was like she wanted to just get her wittle Eddie baby out of harms way." Theo gave it his best babyish voice as him and Blaise laughed.

"Fuck off you two, she's gonna do the same thing she had done to me since our third year. And I don't find it funny at all. They all do the same thing. They put on way too short of dresses,"

"I was never one to complain," Blaise interrupted.

"Drink way too much alcohol, and dance like someone is throwing money in their direction." Edmund laid back down, but continued. "And then when we intervene, because we always end up intervening, because secretly they want us to intervene, they get all upset because we are too controlling, or too overprotective. Like it's my fault or something that you decided to stand on an unstable elevated surface." Edmund took a breath finally. "This year though, they might even take it up a notch. I swear you never know with those girls." 

Edmund obviously had a lot on his mind. It was one thing in the past when he would go to these parties and see Nicole with other guys. During those times, he could cope by getting with other girls, but now he just had to watch.

I Hate The Way You Make Me Feel (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now