Part 2- 20 Years Later.

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After every Red Bander left the hospital, they began having renunions every year.

When they hit 20 years of being friends, they decided to make a special occasion out of it by eating lunch at a dining hall, visiting Ocean Park, and th cemetary where Hunter and Leo are buried.

Charlie, now in his mid 30's, was married to a girl he met in College, and together they had two children with another on the way. Since Ocean Park, he was no longer in a wheelchair and functioning like a normal person.

Jordi, again in his mid 30's, returned to the doctor regularly and showed no signs of cancer. After leaving Ocean Park, he graduated from high school and after a few failed relationships, got together with Emma. They married while she was attending college to become a teacher. They have yet to have a child together, and Emma's weight has stayed healthy since her stay at Ocean Park. They live together at Jordi's estate that he inherited from his grandma in Mexico.

Dash reconnected with Delaney Shaw after she became washed up, and they married only a few months after getting back in touch. After having a kid together when they were only 19, they divorced a couple years later. Dash, now in his mid 30's, never re-married, and showed up to the luncheon with an oxygen tank, a sign that his health was deteriorating.

Kara was still working at Ocean Park, however she never married or was even remotely interested in anybody. Maybe Leo was right, maybe she will die alone with 10 cats. She already had three.

After eating lunch, they all drove to Ocean Park so see what it was like. Kara obviously knew, so she drove to a flower shop and picked out flower's for Hunter's grave.

When they walked in, Nurse Jackson (yes, she was still working there), greeted them. A ring was on her finger, so Jordi pointed it out. She explained that she recently married Dr. Naday. Brittany and Kenji still worked at Ocean Park as well, but had a day off when the Red Banders visited. Nurse Jackson had explained that Dr. McAndrew and Dr. Grace had called on their engagement a few weeks after getting back together, and they had both taken early retirement and were doing work back in Senegal, where Nurse Jackson and Dr. Naday would be joining them in a few months.

After the short visit to the hospital, they made their way to the cemetary and stood in silence. Emma then broke the silence. "Do you think they would be proud of us?" She asked. They all stared at her for a second. "Yes, of course." Charlie answered. Then, they all went their separate ways again, just like 20 years ago.

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