Upside Down

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      "Grandma I am home" I yelled as I entered the beautiful home.But She didn't answer, which was very odd since she usually does.I figured she was in the kitchen, and so I checked but she wasn't. I headed to her room, thinking she might be napping.But I couldn't be more wrong, because there I found my beloved grandma laying on the ground... lifeless. "Grandma please don't leave me"I said through tears, hoping she might magically just wake up.But she never did.Fast forward to the day I had to say goodbye to our beautiful home, but as I was about to close the door, I noticed a envelope. I picked it up, and I couldn't believe my eyes, it was from my grandma.I decided that I would read it when I got to Hogwarts.   

     And so here I was at the London train Station. Looking for platform 9 3/4. I asked one of the workers but he just told me to stop wasting his time. But just as I was about to give up, I saw a girl go through a wall right in between platform 9 and 10! "Ah huh" I thought to my myself.And went through the wall. I opened my eyes and saw Hogwarts Express, a bunch of happy families kissing and saying good bye to each other.I wondering what it would've been like if my grandma was still here.But was interrupted by a call run.I hurried to the train and started looking for an empty compartment.And at last I found one in the back.As I sat down everyone in the compartment in front of mine, started staring at me. At first it I tried to ignore it, but they just kept staring. So I got up, and went and opened their compartment door."What" I said sounding annoyed. At first they all looked at each other, hesitant.But finally a girl with black hair said "The compartment your sitting in" "What about it" I commanded "That's Draco Malfoy's Compartment" she answered. "Well I don't know who this Draco Malfoy is, and I don't care" I said irritated "Now stop staring". And with that I left and went back to reading in my compartment.After about 5 minutes, my compartment door opened. I looked up and saw, a pale boy with blonde hair, and icy blue eyes. A blonde girl also with blonde hair and blue eyes. A another boy with dark skin, and brown eyes and hair. And finally a another girl with black hair and brown eyes.I continued reading. "Out" the blonde boy hissed, with a glare. "No" I answered still not looking up."That wasn't a question, this is my compartment" He said, now clearly getting furious."I don't see your name on it" I shot back, now looking right into his eyes. "Get a worker"he said to the other boy. And so the other boy left, and he just stood there glaring at me. At this point there was a few students watching us. A couple of minutes later, the boy came back with a worker. "What appears to be the problem Mr.Malfoy?" The worker asked." This idiot girl, refuses to leave my compartment!" He said angrily." I am very sorry, but this is not your personal compartment, so I am afraid I can't do anything if she was here first" he said apologetically "Were you here first" He asked me "Yes, sir" I answered politely "Alright then"He continued "Everyone back to your seats", he told the students watching us outside the compartment.And then he left. And so Did "Mr.Malfoy" and his minions, but before he closed the compartment door he said "Your going to pay for this" with a glare "Bye" I said with a smirk.

       When I arrived at Hogwarts, there was a stern looking women waiting for me, in front of the biggest doors I have ever seen. "Hello, you must be Leonora Silvius" she said with a smile smile "Yes, and who may you be" I answered politely "Minerva McGonagall, But you can call me Professer McGonagall" She answered very politely back. "pleasure" I added "Alright, Know I now your very tired but first is dinner and you have to be sorted into your house" She said "House?"I asked, clearly confused. "Yes there are Gryfinndor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin" She answered. But I was still confused, and probably beacsue of  the look on my face she added "Your houses are where you sleep, they are basically your family" "Ooh" I said feeling stupid. But before I could ask anything else I heard my name being called form inside the giant doors, and they started to open. "Oh we are late" She said a bit panicked "Go on" And then she disappeared.I walked in and everyone went quiet.After what about 30 seconds I heard things like; "Shes very pretty" or "With that glare on her face, she is going to be a definite Slytherin" But that was probably because I just realized I was going to be sorted infront of the whole school, judging form the stool McGonagall just put in front of the room.I made my way to the stool and sat down.But I was still confused as to how they were going to sort me. But before I could think of some possibilities, I felt a hat on my head. And then it started talking and said "Hmm...Your stubborn, courageous, determined, secretive, you know what you want and you know exactly how to get it." "Would you hurry up already" I whispered angrily "Your a feisty one" the hat said."This stupid hat" I thought "Alright, GRYFINNDOR!" At first the hall was quiet, I figured they must've thought I would be in another house, but then a table, on the left (Gryffindor table I figured) started cheering.I made my way over there and shook a couple of people's hands."And then a girl with brown hair and brown eyes said" Hello, I am Hermione Granger, this is Ron Weasley" she said pointing to a boy with Red hair and freckles. "And that's harry Potter" She continued Pointing to another boy with black hair, bright green eyes, and round glasses. "Its a pleasure to meet you all!" I replied with a small smile.And then a old man with a long white beard, in front of the hall said "Now that we are done with that" He smiled towards me. "Lets all enjoy this dinner" He continued, then proceeded to sit down on his chair and start on dinner.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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