part three

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You and Hiei took off threw town at the same time dodging cars weaving in and out of the traffic with little to no effort at all. Knowing Konema he has a portal just out side of town to his house. You thought to yourself as you weaved passed a truck you looked to your left to see Hiei riding right beside you, you gave a little smrik and revved up your bike and got ahead of him by a bit you looked in your mirror to see him behind you. His good to keep up with us for this long. You thought as you reached the edge of the town you spotted a light blue glow coming from your left you looked over to see it was coming from the woods you made a sharp turn squealing your tires doing so and heading for the light you seen the trees was really close together but that didn't stop you. You kept weaving and dodging the trees hearing the motor of Hiei rite behind you. You finally seen the portal and raced threw it, you ended up right in the front yard of Konema's house you slid to a halt and waited for Hiei to stop besides you. After a few minutes you saw him come threw it and he slid right beside you "Your good to be able to keep up with me." You told him looking at him as he got off his bike "Your not bad yourself" He told you walking his bike around you and to the little garage and parked his bike there "You can park yours here to, so it don't get ruined"Hiei told you before he walked passed you and in the house. Shadow jumped out and started to walk around the yard as you rolled your own bike in the garage and parked it besides Hiei's. As you was walking out you closed the door "Raven you really need to be more careful" you heard behind you which made you smrik "You keep telling me that" you said turning around to see Konema and the others behind him " Yeah and it never dose any good" he said with a sigh "Then why do you keep trying?" You asked him as all of you started to walk to the house " I don't know anymore" Konema said opening the front door you turned your head and whistled for Shadow once she heard you she came running up beside you and walked in the house with you. "Hey where's the shrimp?" Kuwabara asked "I don't know. But he lost the race." You said with a smile "wait you beat Hiei on his bike!?"Yusuke asked you "Ya but he done good keeping up with me. I'm the best street racing back home" you told him again with a smile on your face "Kurama why don't you show Raven where her room will be?"Konema said handing your bags to Kurama "Wait I'm living here?!"You asked him shocked you knew he wanted you to join his team but he never said anything about living with his team "Yes." He told you with a smirk on his face "Damn I thought you'd let me live in my house" you said looking at him "Its just if you live here it would be easier for you all to get to know one other"Konema said calmly "Bullshit. Its easier for you because you don't have to track us down every time you need us" You said looking at him "Yes well that to. So make yourself at home." Konema said as he walked back out the door "Well come on I'll show you to your room"Kurama said you followed behind him as he walked out of the living room and threw the dinning room he made a right into a room that had a couch on the wall to you right with a flat screen TV on the left wall with a short cabinet under it which held a PS3, a PS4, and a. Wii with glass door which you could see plenty of games for each system the walls where painted white with game posters all over then with bright blue carpet "This is the game room as you can tell.Yusuke and Kuwabara pestered Konema for it"Kurama told you as he walked to his left past the wall with the TV on it to a set of stairs once you and him were up stairs you saw doors on each side of the hall Kurama went to the very end and stopped in front of a white door with a rose on it that was on the right side of the hallway and on the left was just a pure black door with a purple dargon on it and at the end was a pure white door with nothing on it "The door behind me is mine t..." Kurama started to say but you cut him off "The black door is Hiei's. The blue with the white Kitten is Kuwabars n the green door with red boxing gloves is Yusukes." You said calmly "yes how did you know?" Kurana asked you "I've known Konema for a long time now I know he makes the doors to fit his fighters"You told him walking up to the white door in front of you "Now watch this little trick" You said as you placed your hand on the door as your left hand caught on fire but it was a blue flame once it touched the door it turned from white to black with a silver fox on the door with a purple dragon on it they formed a circle "Wow"Kurama said looking at the door "All you do is have to think of the picture you want on the door and ta da its there" You told him "Ours was already done when we all moved here" Kurama said as you opened your door. You reached on your right and turned the light on the walls where a dark purple color the floor was a deep cherry wood flooring you had a queen sized bed with purple covers that had silver trim and the same fox and dragon that is on your door. You walked over to your closet and opened it up to find it filled with rich purples,blacks,silvers and blues " Make yourself at home Raven, I'll be down stairs fixing some dinner" Kurama said as he walked out closing the door. You grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black T-shirt that had Nickelback on the front of it then walked over to the dresser and pull out a black bra with lace on it and the matching underwar you then walked over to your bathroom and turned on the light the walls wear painted the same color as your bedroom but the floor was a black tile you had a vanity bath tub and a smaller shower rite beside it. You looked at your sink in was black onxy with a purple counter with little silver foxes in the pattern you walked over to your shower and started the water. You made the water really hot just the way you like it you then took off the outfit you have on and stepped into the hot shower letting the water run down your body you grabbed the shampoo which was Strawberry's and cream scented you poured a little on your hand and started to wash your long hair. You quickly finished up and turned the water off and stepped out grabbing one of the purple towels that was hanging on the wall beside the shower. You dried off then put on your new outfit on walked out of your bathroom while burshing your hair out as you walked over to your dresser and picked out a pair of black socks on then slipped your boots back on and walked out your door closing it behind you.

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