"Beth?" She prompts.

"Beth Breen, maybe." Jisoo knew that name, had heard it on the news for weeks whilst the trial went on, had heard it in a much angrier tone in the days that followed her acquittal of all charges. But Jisoo was pretty sure she knew that name, and she was certain she knew the face that went along with it. A face that was distinctly not Jennie's.

"The CFO of that company that sent faulty drugs to market?" The CFO who hid medical reports and caused the deaths of countless individuals. The CFO who had walked out of the courthouse with a proud looking lawyer and a smug smile that definitely needed to be wiped off (read: punched right off of her stupid face). The CFO who had done similar things in the past and never been charged. The CFO who was practically the definition of a white whale.

"I don't know. I just know that she was super annoying - kept insisting she had no idea where it came from but it was just sitting right there on her coffee table. Pretty stupid hiding spot if you ask me." All of the evidence just conveniently placed openly in the middle of her apartment. Of course.

"Yeah, real stupid," Jisoo responds distantly, attempting to wave him off with a mumbled, "Thanks, Mike." She doesn't really know why she thinks it'll work. It's never worked before. She imagines it won't work the next time he tries to talk to her either. And yet, she still tries and fails.

"Hey, Jisoo, I was wondering if-"

"I have to wash my hair," Jisoo cuts in abruptly. She almost laughs at the surprise on his face, which is probably mainly because she usually waits until he's finished asking to make her excuse.

But she doesn't really have time for that today. Mostly because she's already mentally running through ways of trying to get into contact with Jennie. All of which were terrible because her choices basically consisted of calling everyone in the phonebook named Jennie or shining a huge signal into the night sky - neither of which seemed very efficient.

"But I didn't-" He tries again and Jisoo's already backing her way out of the break room before he can fully formulate his response.

"I think I can hear Rosie calling my name so I should probably go to her."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Another time," he mumbles despite the fact that Jisoo is already long gone and that his only audience is a laughing James. Jisoo really hopes Jennie got that on one of her bugs because she could really use that audio to cheer her up when the bakery downstairs runs out of her favourite donuts, or when the Chinese across the street gets the wanton to broth ratio all wrong, or when the pizza place sends that one really creepy dude who peeks inside her apartment like he's casing it.

Or when there's someone annoyingly fiddling with all the stuff on her desk, even if that person has a fantastic ass that she should definitely not be staring at, and is... Jennie.

"Hi, Detective." She looks good. She looks really good. Now, Jisoo had actually kind of come to appreciate the stereotypical, all black, all skin-tight, outfits Jennie had taken to stealing in. A little bit because she appreciated they were fit for purpose, but primarily just because Jennie managed to look insanely good in them instead of just insanely stupid and highly suspicious.

But Jennie in jeans and a leather jacket? Now that was something else entirely. Jennie with her hair down, tumbling over her shoulders? That was a heart attack waiting to happen. Jennie with soft clothes and an even softer smile leaning against her desk? That was cause for alarm.

"What the hell are you doing in a police station?" Jisoo will admit that she was mostly just thankful that Jennie's real name was Jennie, and that she wasn't currently being held by the police, but that didn't overshadow the logical part of her brain that was screaming having Jennie in the bullpen was a terrible idea. Partially because she was a wanted criminal, and partially because Rosie's lunch break was about to come to an end and she really didn't want to explain the presence of an extremely beautiful woman on her desk to her, or subsequently Lisa when she inevitably spilled the beans.

"I'm here to file a police report. Something of mine got stolen." "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. My heart. It was actually taken by a cop, you might know her. About five foot three, black hair, gorgeously brown eyes. Very pretty. Very serious about the law." Of course. Of course Jennie had stepped foot into a building full of actual police officers who she had literally just duped into arresting someone else for her crimes so she could hit on Jisoo again. She was ridiculous, though admittedly fantastic for Jisoo's self esteem.

"What do you want?" Jisoo sighs.

"To take you out for coffee," Jennie says simply, without pretence, without some cheeky smile or an over planned performance. Plain and simple. Temptingly plain and simple. Except that this whole thing was anything but plain and simple. It was, in fact, decidedly complicated.

"We can't-"

"We can. We should. Come on, I hear your case just wrapped itself up and I like you, and I know you find me charming even when you're pulling that scrunchy annoyed face - which I adore by the way. Just coffee. I promise."

Maybe it didn't have to be complicated. Maybe Jisoo could just... un-complicate it. "Just coffee?"

"Just coffee," Jennie affirms. "Maybe also a muffin, if you want one," she continues on and of course Jisoo's stomach chooses that exact moment to rumble because when hasn't she wanted a muffin? Jisoo not wanting a muffin was surely one of the signs of the apocalypse. Jisoo not wanting a muffin was like water not being wet. Jisoo not... God she really wanted a muffin.

"Fine," Jisoo agrees. For the sake of her stomach. Obviously.

"Really?" Jennie asks incredulously and she actually stands up straight, straightening her jacket nervously like she wasn't at all prepared for this to happen. She looks shocked enough that Jisoo thinks she actually expected a no, which seemed ridiculous because Jennie didn't seem like the kind of person who was told no very often (or ever).

"What happened to Miss Confidence?" The woman who took her shirt off in strangers homes without hesitation. The woman who, instead of escaping free and clear, decided it was more prudent to be flirting with cops. The woman who walked into a police station with an easy smile and probably far too much swagger than necessary. The woman otherwise known as Jennie at any other time before now.

"You really are very pretty, and I actually have a lot of self-doubt under several layers of bravado and well practised smiles."

"I think I might like you under those several layers."

"Oh you'd love me without my layers." She stepped right into that one. "But we'll get to that after we've had coffee and I've chivalrously walked you home and asked permission to kiss you."

"You're gonna ask permission to do something?" It doesn't seem like the most likely thing ever (see: literally all of the thefts Jennie had committed over the past few months, as well as that time she broke into Jisoo's apartment and bled all over the place without having the decency to call ahead).

"I'm all about consent," Jennie argues, before shrinking slightly under Jisoo's dubious look and adding, "in all areas other than theft." That sounded more realistic.

"Naturally," Jisoo deadpans with a heavily exaggerated eye roll. That doesn't mean she doesn't let Jennie slip her jacket off her chair and onto her shoulders, nor does it mean she doesn't leave Rosie slack jawed, and mutely holding a sandwich in her direction, as she leaves hand-in-hand with Jennie.

In the end one coffee date turns into two. Then three. Then a fourth that ends up turning into dinner and a nightcap. Then it's Jisoo slipping out of Jennie's apartment (not so much of a secret lair) in the early hours of the morning, pants still undone and a bagel hanging out of her mouth as she rushes to work. And if she maybe switches to homicide a few months later, well that has nothing to do with the fact that chasing your girlfriend around the city isn't as much fun when you're kinda invested in her freedom.

(Though only a little... She was still infuriating).

"Hey, babe."

"Shit, Jisoo! How did you get in here?" "Trade secret."

"Is that glass on the floor? Did you smash a window into my apartment?!" "Paybacks a bitch, Jennie."

"...I'm on the eighth floor."

"Oh yeah, you owe the window cleaner a hundred bucks."


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