Part 18✨

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4:30 am

Addison POV:

After I go and sign the papers they hand me a wheelchair for Leah. I walk back in her room and her smiles drop.

L: mom what are you doing with that.
A: Honey it's your wheelchair.
L: why do I need it, I'm not injured or anything am I?
B: baby girl you have 2 broken ribs, I'm sorry.

She looks down and start to cry, Bryce goes over to her and hug her. I hear him say...

B: come on I have all your favorite things at the house for you.
L: ok, mom let's get this over with.
A: alright, Bryce help me put her in this wheelchair.

Once we got her in the wheele chair we head out the hospital and Bryce puts Leah in the car while I sit in the drivers seat. Bryce finally gets in the car and  says..

B: ready for an hour n a half drive home?
L: sure *she says sarcastically*
A: LOL let's roll.

Vinnie POV:

I felt really bad, about what happen to Leah. It could not leave my mind. So I decided I was going to surprise her with her 2 favorite things, that she has been wanting for a long time.

V: mom, dad? I say walking into the kitchen.
M: yes vin?
J: sup bud what's the matter?
V: I think I'm going to surprise Leah with her two "favorite" things.

They both gasp and have really big smiles on there face.
M: vinnie are you sure? That's a lot of responsibility and you will need to help her, because of the condition she is in.
J: yeah bud what your mom said.
V: no I'm ready I want to do this and I will help her through the way.
Mads and Jaden hugs me and says...
M: I'm tour of you vinnie, you are such a nice person for doing this.
J: yea bud we raised you right.
V: ok I'm going to go buy the stuff I might be out for a while. ( you will see the stuff when Leahs sees it)

M&J: ok be safe.
V: by mom!! Bye dad!
Time to go spend some money!

Addison POV:

I pull up to the house and park. I get out and grab Leahs medicine and bags while Bryce grabs her.
B: she's sleeping.
A: ok let me open the door.
I open the door to see mads and Jaden sitting down in the living room
With snacks in their hands. Once mads sees me she jumps up and runs to me.

M: Hey omg is she ok? *she says hugging me*
A: yea she's fine she needs a wheelchair though..
M: I'm sorry addi..
J: is there anything we could do?
A: no we are good but thank you.
B: yea we appreciate it, I'm going to take her to our room. I don't want her in her room.*he says pointing to sleeping Leah*
M: ok and btw vinnie has a surprise for her, but I can't tell you guys*she whispers in my ear*
A: ok, we will head upstairs and take a nap.
B: yep we are exhausted.
M&J: ok night guys!
A: night.

Me Bryce sand Leah head upstairs. Leah adjust her head and lays her head in my chest while Bryce wraps his arms around my waist. We all fall asleep.

Vinnie POV:

It's been 5 hours since I left the house and after a ton of paper works and stops I finally got what Leah.
I head home. Once I got in the house I take the 2 big boxes out of my car and put them in the living room. I go to my mom and dad room to see them cuddling.

V: hey guys I'm back. I say laying on their bed in the middle of them.
M: hey did you get the things?
J: yea did you?
V: yep, I'm going to Leahs room I'm going to wake her.
J: she with Addison in Bryce, they don't want her in that room.
M: yea.
V: ok well I'm going to wake them up.

I go to their room and open it to see Addison doing her makeup, and Bryce cuddled up to sleeping Leah. They didn't mind me barging in their room because I am like their second child.

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