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Should i include the xmen if so who do you want cause if your getting xmen your getting wolverine and x23 guaranteed due to them being awesome no other reason

And secondly do yous want a crossover harem with dc and marvel and the only person from cannon ill add to the harem is teen rumi as i have seen the others alot in other harems anyway who do yous want
Currently i have izura kara and izuku

Thirdly do yous want uncle deadpool or no uncle deadpool if hes include he wont really contribute other than being deadpool but will care for izuku because izuku reminds him of peter to state in thus universe spiderman deadpool comic has happened evan the dimension travel stuff deadpool will also annoy everyone except izuku and natasha because izuku just ignore him, join in or in rare cases will blow wades head off usually with a repulsor blast from his gauntlets then cut off his hands and legs and places them in a large freeze named deadpool time out
Natasha just kills him and licks his parts in the freezer

Finally do yous want me to include any other members of the defenders ive included danny and youll see someone who can help izuku with damage also do yous want izuku to get more op by learning magic from Steven strange and yes dr strange was apart of the defenders

So please vote id help as im currently adjusting the story to add afo wont be the big bad hell be working for the big bad who comes from dc because i like the villains from dc better and can use them more effectively as i know more about them the league of villains will be a front for the legion of doom who are also being controlled by others who are also under the service of a major threat also im going to be introducing someone known as your loveable gwenpool yes she is shown up because why not and i havent seen many fics that include her she wont be good or bad like in the comics she still has her superpower to leave the comic but now she can speak to yous and answer your questions ill also have the rest of her crew show up

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