Chapter 62 - The Memories

Start from the beginning

"Sorry" she said tearing her gaze away from my body and meeting my eyes. "I didn't know if anyone was here" she completed and I nodded.

"No worries, I was just leaving" I said with a slight smile.

I quickly put on my robes and left with my bag. I had charms with Ravenclaw.

Since I was the early bird that day, I was the first one to reach the class. I sat down and opened my book and started reading. The bell rang and students filled the classroom. Someone took a seat next to me and I hoped it would be Luna.

It wasn't.

"Rafael!" I said as he smiled sweetly at me.

"Livia" he said placing a hand on my back.

"How are you?" I asked, it had been long since I saw him, yes, because of the break but even before that. The last time that I saw him was when we had the DA detention, that too just a quick glance.

"Good, but I missed you" he said as Professor Flitwick started to teach.

"Oh, aren't you sweet?" I said pinching his cheeks.

"So, how's it going with Luna?" I asked and he looked at me.

"What? Isn't there anything going on between you two?" I asked again seeing the look on his face.

"No" he said in an obvious tone.

"I thought- Oh well" I said and shrugged.

The rest of the class went by quickly and I had potions. I got up and left the class. The first years had to be the dumbest ones I had seen in my past years. The hall was filled with students getting confused and blocking my way.

"Liv" Rafael shouted from behind and I turned around.

"Well, I was thinking that..." he said and I cut him, "Raf, honey, can we talk at lunch or dinner, perhaps? I'm late for potions, and with the first years, I'm most likely to reach at the end of the class" I said as I made way through the students.

"Dinner will do!" he yelled and I reached the class.

Professor Slughorn hadn't started teaching yet, I had been upset with Hermione as well, so I stood next to Blaise, who was standing next to Draco and Pansy beside him. She was all red when she saw me stand in a close perimeter to her.

"Hey, Olive" Blaise said and I smiled at him.

"Ah, Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us, I see" Slughorn said and I sighed loudly at the boys.

"Ron Weasley, sir" Ron introduced himself.

"You forgot to add git" I said lower than a whisper but enough to make Blaise snicker and make Draco furrow his eyebrows at me.

"I prepared a few concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" he asked and Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Granger, sir" Hermione replied heading towards the potions.

She went on about two potions sitting on the table.

"Yes, right, right. Tell me what this is" Slughorn said opening the lid of another caldron.

"That is Amortentia..." she said and I got distracted by the smell.

"It is known to smell differently for different people" she added and Draco looked up from the ground. He furrowed his eyebrows and then looked at me. I didn't look at him, but I could see from my peripheral vision that he was staring at me.

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