11. One cut...Two cut...Oh crap

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa! IT WAS YOUR IDEA!?!?" Mina opened the door and left. "WAIT! COME BACK!!!" She did not she walked down the stairs leaving Kirishma, Todoroki, Sero, and Kaminari shocked.  Bakugo bangged his head on the door frame. "UGH!! WHY IS LIFE SO HARD!!!!!"

With Uraraka

I was watching the blood fall down my wrist. I was in so much pain back I love it. I then realized what I did. Replaying the words in my head. One cut...Two cut...Three cut...Four cut...

I just kept going. I couldn't stop. I walked to the bathroom to bandage up my arms. "I'll never do this again. I can't die. I can't do that to my family." I finished and put on a pink hoodie. I walked out of my room and sat on the couch in the common area. 

"Hey Uraraka!" I looked over see Deku walking behind me. "Hey Deku!" I put up a fake smile so he wouldn't see my pain. "Me and Asui-uh! I meant Tsu are gonna cook diner! Hehe, any request...?" I laughed sightly. "Can you make curr-"



Awww. Is Miss. Prefect gonna cry. 

"-I'm not hungry." I said a little to quickly. "A-are you sure? I can make you some curry if you want." I shook my head. "No it's alright. I-I'm gonna go to bed." I got up and I could faintly hear him say, "But it's only 6:32." I walked up to my room and plopped onto the bed. It hurt my wrist but I didn't care. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. But 25 minutes latter, I was saying to myself-

One cut.

Two cut.

Oh crap.

Explosive Heart (Bakugo x Sad Uraraka)Where stories live. Discover now