I smiled thinking of James and Lily for some reason. Fred held the door open as we walked inside, we hung our coats and we sat down in a table that was by the window. Fred couldn't stop staring at me as his eyes kept finding themselves towards my breast. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Fred I came here because I wanted to say sorry. I know you love me and I need you to know...I'm ready to love you back" I said looking down then at him

He looked blank, like someone just spoke a totally different language to him. His entire body froze even as the waitress put a the butter beers on a table. I stared at him with my eyebrows raised.

"I-I" Fred leaned above the table and kissed me

I didn't expect it but I kissed him back, his hand twice the size of mine cupped my cheek. He pulled away and smiled. His white perky teeth shining as he chuckled.

"I just need you to know something, it's not easy and I will totally understand if you don't want to be with me anymore" I said lowly

I grabbed my butter beer and drank a bit, Fred lifted his to his lips.

"That your pregnant"

I began to joke on my butter beer as I put it back in the table. Everyone turned to me worried as I choked turning red from embarrassment. Fred chuckled as he sipped his butter beer.

"How-how did you know?" I asked shocked
He raised his hand and wiped the top of my lip

He pulled his hand back and I realized it was the whipped cream. He licked his finger clean and winked.

"I heard it..when you where in Oliver's arms, how do you think Sirius saw you. I was there the entire time but I couldn't move because...because as you died so did I" Fred said as smile dropped and looked serious

I placed my hand on his, he cleared his throat and blinked trying to hold in his tears.

"That was the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I almost lost you Syden...I realized I would rather have you far away from me then losing you" Fred said lowly

"Well now you won't have to do either" I said as he held my hand

"You know...Oliver could still be the biological father but...but I'd love to raise them. I've gone to rosemaries hospital wing..and they have a new spell that could show any fetus's feature turn into someone else's. Even if they aren't my children they could look like me, they'll just need us to sign papers and then take some samples of my hair and stuff" Fred said smiling as his face light up

"Y-you actually went to see? Why?" I asked confused

"Well like I said I'd wait forever long it takes, I still want to have more children. A litter if possible" Fred said laughing

"Oh yeah because you aren't going to be carrying them for nine months then give birth" I said raising my brows with a chuckle

"To be fair I've been carrying them sense I've gone into puberty" Fred said as I snorted laughing

We laughed and talked the entire time, I felt so happy and alive. Fred gave me a wink here and there, he'd sometimes put his hand under the table and run his hands up and down my thigh. I was taking so much thought into how my children would look like Fred. I could only imagen but then I didn't want it to be like I've taken something way from them. I knew Fred would be an amazing father, just that I didn't want to put that on him. Oliver wanted nothing to do with us and Fred wanted it all.

"Come in love, let's go" Fred said helping me up

"You look rather ravishing...may I eat my dessert later" he whispered in my ear

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