Just His Luck

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3rd Person POV

"You don't.... You don't hate me?"

Tamura was honestly pretty shocked at Yaguchi's answer to his question. He really didn't hate him? Or was he just fucking with him? 'No... no no no no Yaguchi isn't here person to fuck with people. Or is he? I don't know. Maybe he is. Remember the time he mocked me about how I reeked of Toilet.  He looked pretty different there. Ah that was so sexy of him. Maybe he has a side don't know of. Or that was just his evil twin???'

Tamura's random thoughts dashed through his head. He didn't even realise how he was spacing out

Yaguchi noticed it and chuckled a bit "You expected me to hate you? I don't really have a reason to, you know..."

Tamura came back to his senses once Yaguchi spoke up again "Ah.. ah! I... I guess I kinda did..."

Yaguchi was going to say something else. He opened his mouth to speak though he stopped once he heard the coach call for him from the distance. "Ah, sorry Tamu-senpai. I need to go now. Bye ^^"

Yaguchi walked away with a smile and left Tamura to himself. Tamu gazed after his crush for a few seconds before turning to go to the clubroom again. In the meantime trying to process what happened just now.

Yaguchi was grinning. He found it stupid for Tamu to ask him something like that 'do you hate me?' hah, pathetic.

Yaguchi didn't hate Tamura. Not at all; though he did find him annoying and irritating and.. okay he legit disliked him.

But he could tell Tamura had some kind of soft side to him. He just- he just could. Or Tamura was just too horrible at hiding it. Hell if anyone knows

Basically,he didn't hate Tamura. Hate is a strong word. He wouldn't really avoid a conversation with him. Though Tamu really was rude to him and he didn't like that.

In other words, Yaguchi was confused about how he felt against Tamura. Though he knew it wasn't hate for sure.

Tamura went back to the clubroom. He found Shikatani and Yuri there.

Yuri was listening to some songs in his earphones though it didn't really matter since he had good hearing.

Tami we to and sat on the sofa, sighing but not really saying anything.

Shikatani noticed the weird behavior of Tamura and asked away "Tamura, did you get the chance to make a process with Yaguchi?"

Tamura nodded "I guess..? At least now I know he doesn't... Hate me like you said he does."

Shikatani blinked for a few times before smiling softly, gazing down "oh well... Seems that Yaguchi has more patience over humans than I thought he does. And that's a good thing in your case."

Tamu nodded again, this time with a huge grin "Oh totally! Though I still can't get the flirting right.."

Shikatani was going to comment on Tamura's words but got interrupted by Yuri's overly loud laughter.

"What- OI YURI! CUT IT OUT! You didn't laugh at Jimmy when he said he liked you!"

Yuri licked Tamura's neck "Tamu-kyun can't talk dirty~"

Tamura pushed Yuri away by his head "being nice and talking dirty are different things! Get off!"

Shikatani made the comment he couldn't make before when he got the chance "It's going to take a while for you to be comfortable talking to him anyways. I think you shouldn't see Yaguchi for a while for your own sake."

"Huh!?" Tamura shouted, he was pretty confused "WHAT!? WHY!?"

Shikatani didn't lose his calm temper as he responded "You heard me. If you keep on being an asshole; Yaguchi will lose his patience in the end. So don't go near him until you feel ready enough to be nice."

Tamura pouted like a child who had been grounded for the smallest thing. He crossed his arms on his abdomen and laid back on the couch. "WELL WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU!?"

"Because you like Yaguchi." Tamura's head perked up once again at Shikatani's words. He thought for a few seconds and decided "Fine..."

It was silent for a few minutes, then Akemi walked in with his usual lively smile "Yaribu, I have an announcement- oh wait the first years aren't here yet... What a shame.." his smile disappeared once he saw there were only 3 members in the room

"What is the announcement, Akemi?" Shikatani asked in curiosity. Akemi replied "I wanted to say it when everyone is here but I guess it wouldn't hurt to say it earlier to you guys. We are going in a vacation, AGAIN!"

Akemi announced with joy. Though there was an awkward silence afterwards. Totally not how Akemi had imagined it would be. The only thing audible was the soft snores of Yuri who was now sleeping.

"Uh... Yayy?" Tamura exclaimed in an attempt to fix the weird athmosphere.

"Yay indeed! Also we will be sharing dorms with one other person in the hotel we will be staying at! Every room will have 2 people and one bed~"

Shikatani shivered "Please don't make me share dorms with a nasty person.." Akemi smiled at Shikatani "Don't worry, since.you age a special condition you will be the only one in your dorm"

Shikatani sighed in relief

Tamura then spoke up "Wait what about me!?" Which made Akemi chuckle "I won't ruin the surprise for that. I'll announce the dorms once everyone is here."

Tamura sighed "tch. Whatever."

Just at that moment Toono and Kashima walked into the clubroom "Hello everyone" Kashima greeted them with a friendly smile. Toono, who was kinda cautious as always when walking into the clubroom nodded. He was cautious because he didn't want to see any naked men at all. Though he let his guard down a little when he saw there's nothing non-pg-rated except all the sex toys which he had gotten used to looking at.

"Welcome first years." Akemi greeted them back. "Well now I can tell who's staying at the same dorms on the vacation we're going to with the soccer club."

Tamura's eyes widened at the last 2 words "Wait the soccer club!?" He looked at Shikatani with a rather worried and horrified expression, because the soccer club meant Yaguchi. And Yaguchi meant trouble when it came to Tamura's case. Shikatani shrugged in a way of saying 'there's nothing I can do about this'

Tamura sighed and sat back down as Akemi told the first years what was going on "Okay! Now to the dorms. We tried to match the soccer club members with the soccer club members; and the Yaribu members with Yaribu members. Though we invited Jimmy so one person needed to match with a soccer club member. Since Jimmy is staying with Yuri"

Tamura rolled his eyes. Akemi continued

"Now, Toono is staying with Kashima. Itome is staying with me. Shikatani is staying alone because he had OCD. Yuri is staying with Jimmy."

Tamura waited for his own dorm-mate's name. "Wait am I the one stuck with a soccer member!? Shit!" Akemi nodded "Yup. You were actually going to stay with Yuri but we know Jimmy would sneak into that room anyway."

Ta.ura was getting impatient "Agh! Just get to the point already! Who the fuck am I staying with!?"

Akemi smirked in the same creepy way as he always does

"Why, you're staying with Yaguchi!"

"hUh- WHAT"

| Hello dear readers! It's me, the writer! This chapter wasn't really good, I admit. But the point is that the Yarichin Bitch Club and the Soccer club are going on a vacation. And Tamura ends up having to share a room with Yaguchi.
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

"Are You An Angel?" Tamura x Yaguchi Where stories live. Discover now