60 - Romanian Guest

Start from the beginning

"That's just the thing...I'm not sure I can do it this time." She whispered.

"I don't know much about it, but if Dumbledore himself trusted you with something like this, Hermione, you have to be pretty special." I assured her.

She nodded, a slight laugh escaping her lips. "You're right. I just hate going into this without knowing." She paused, fiddling nervously with her fingers. "We haven't even had a moment to come up with a plan. I'm sure Mrs. Weasley will want to keep us as occupied as she can today."

"You leave her to me." I squeezed her hands. "I'm sure I can keep her distracted with all of the wedding preparation. Just try to get anything she asks you done fast."

Hermione quickly wiped away her tears as Ginny entered the room once again, drying her wet hair vigorously with a towel. "GINNY!! You used up all the hot water!" Fred's voice shouted from the hall. Her eyes widened and she quickly locked the door, pressing her back hard against it so he couldn't open it. Hermione and I were in fits as Fred made an attempt to push his way through the door after easily unlocking it. Once Ginny had managed to press it closed it again, I quickly cast the Imperturbable Charm. The sound of running footsteps could be heard before Fred's body knocked into the now obstructed door with a loud rattle. "Dammit, Leah!!"

By now the three of us had tears streaming down our cheeks as we huddled together on Ginny's bed, leaning on each other for support. After a few minutes of Fred trying to remember the counter spell, he gave up with a grumble. I made my way downstairs to where Mrs. Weasley was already bustling about the kitchen. Fred and George had followed Bill outside to where the two were using their wands to clear out the rusted cauldrons and piles of Wellies that usually sat around out back. They had been put in charge of cleaning up the yard.

"Oh, good. Leah, sweetheart do you mind helping Ginny color match these ribbons and favors? The two of you might have a better eye than Ron and Harry." Mrs. Weasley nodded to where Ginny was already sat in the sitting room with piles of white, gold, and lavender colored objects.

I quickly agreed, knowing otherwise Hermione would be tasked with it. At times throughout the day I continued to do as many chores as I possibly could, utilizing my ability to do magic to make everything go by smoother. Unfortunately, I think Mrs. Weasley caught on to what I was doing as she banished me outside to help tell the boys where to place new bushes and flowers. Though I truly think it was necessary. Everything before I got outside was taking much longer than it needed to. The boys were constantly making jokes and messing around. Most of which included Fred periodically mouthing his words to George with a concerned expression. 

"No, it needs to go right there to cover the dead grass from that cauldron." I argued with Fred until he moved the bush a foot to the right.

"Boys." Mr. Weasley appeared behind us. "I need your help with something...have you got any of those fever chocolates with you?"

"Never leave home without 'em." Fred confirmed with a proud smile, twirling his wand between his fingers.

"Well grab a load and meet me in the attic. We've gotta make the ghoul look like Ron with Spattergoit somehow." Their father looked over his shoulder, undoubtedly to make sure his wife was still out of ear shot.

"How exactly do you plan to do that?" Fred cocked a brow.

"Well, let's just play it by ear—see how it works out." George couldn't hold in his own laughter at yet another ear pun, his twin instantly joining in as Bill and I groaned. By now this had to have been the fifth one just since I joined them outside.

The two followed close behind their father in an attempt to sneak up to the attic unnoticed. I'm relieved to see Mr. Weasley is willing to help Ron out with whatever they've been tasked to do, because Mrs. Weasley has been separating the trio of friends all day.

Bill and I continued to work on the task we had been given, carefully planting rows of flowers along the outskirts of the house.

"Merlin's balls, Mum's gone a bit frantic, has she?" A voice spoke from behind me.

"Charlie!?" My jaw dropped slightly at the sight of the second oldest Weasley brother.

He laughed and pulled me into a tight hug. "What's this about? Didn't think I'd miss my brother's wedding did you?" He pulled away and wrapped his arms around his older brother, the two patting each other's backs affectionately.

"You better be careful around here with that long hair." Bill grinned, nodding at the red waves that now reached Charlie's shoulders.

"Why? A few of the ladies at the sanctuary say it looks dashing." Charlie shook his long hair with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, well. Mum's going to be cutting it off the minute you turn your back. She's tried to get mine twice this morning." Bill laughed, planting the last bit of flowers with a flick of his wand.

It was so nice to have Charlie back home. I could hardly remember the last time I had seen him. His heavily freckled cheeks practically concealed his eyes as he grinned down at me, explaining the jest of his recent dragon study. Time has done him well. The once boyish face that I grew up around now had a strong jaw and facial hair. He was really quite handsome. It's too bad he has no interest in committing to anyone...aside from his dragons.

Mrs. Weasley's voice echoed across the yard that supper was ready, and I walked inside between the two oldest Weasley siblings, listening to them eagerly catch up. Their mother nearly knocked Bill and I over to get to Charlie. She fawned on him repeatedly as she sat him down at the kitchen table that she had since moved outside so we could all fit around it. Like Bill had predicted, she instantly began to berate him about his unruly hair.

The rest of the family joined us outside, George placing a sweet kiss to my cheek before sitting down to my left. Charlie's jaw nearly dropped to the floor from his place across from us. "What's this!? I'm gone and no one takes a minute to write and tell me these two are shaggi—" He immediately halted his words when he realized his mother was right behind him. "S-shaggin' in love. It's a new slang word, Mum. 'S all it is." He quickly tried to cover, but now my face was red as a tomato as I hurriedly tried to conceal it with a big gulp of water.

"Lovely to see the language you've picked up from Romania." Mrs. Weasley scolded, smacking him lightly upside the head as the rest of her children erupted in laughter. She was thankfully quick to change the subject. "Ron have you cleaned your bedroom?"

"Why?" He spoke through a mouthful of chicken.

"Your brother's wedding is in a few days—"

"Are they having the wedding in my bedroom?" Ron argued, slamming his fork down on the table beside him. "No! So why in Merlin's saggy left—"

"Ron! Do as your told and don't speak to your mother that way." Mr. Weasley scolded.

Ron grumbled as he continued to eat his dinner, the rest of the family deciding to bombard Charlie in questions about what he's been doing in Romania lately. We stayed like that for hours, talking until the sun went down and a beautiful canvas of orange, pink, and purple spread across the horizon. The Weasley family was together again, aside from Percy, who everyone avoided bringing up for their mother's sake.


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