3pm (NOT AM)

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Chandler looked at Joey very slowly.

Joey looked at Chandler, just as slow.

They yanked themselves far, far away from each other, Joey's expression melting into horror.

Chandler looked down and to the right into empty space, processing Rachel's words.

There were times when it wasn't even me, she had added after confiding to the males about her threesome dream.

That would have meant-

"That is so sweet, you guys," Phoebe gushed, hugging Chandler and Joey.

Absolutely not, Chandler thought, motioning Joey to move away and to the armchair. Joey? And me? Screwing?

The two quickly soon the girls' apartment, gay jokes ringing out from Ross with his obnoxiously degrading voice.

"I like women," Joey stated loudly, pushing an open palm out and down as if to say 'case closed'. "Chicks like Lori and Jessica, not Robert and-and Will!"

His roommate was silent, scrunching up his nose like he did when the food from the back of the fridge wasn't sitting right with him. Maybe it was the lasagna.

"And you were with-" Joey shuddered for effect "-Janice, her and- What's the matter with ya?" Joey prompted, now looking over to Chandler with his brows furrowed.

Chandler shook his head, for once his words failing him. Truth be told, the thought of doing it with Joey had crossed his mind, especially after the surprise kiss on New Year's. Soft touches, being pulled close by the waist, and delicate kisses had already been imagined in so many ways, it was starting to get repetitive. Although, he did like the idea of Joey's hand on the small of his back and the other under his chin, tilting him up closer and closer to those soft looking lips...


He looked up to Joey's eyes, realizing his gaze had previously been latched onto Joey's lips. "Yeah?"

"What's with you?"

He shook his head, leaving an empty silence where the undisputed claims of heterosexuality would usually announced.


"I don't know," he confessed, looking away as he went to the fridge for an ice cold can of soda, the perfect strategy to avoid saying anything more.

Joey raised an eyebrow, his mouth opening to speak before Chandler cut in. "Don't you have an audition today?"

Joey looked to the whiteboard, the words scrawled in Chandler's stylistically messy writing. Aud. at 3 PM with NOT AM underneath, at which point Chandler had questioned Joey's intelligence yet again.

"Which is in.. let's see here.. five minutes," Chandler hummed, checking his watch. 

Joey bolted out the room, leaving Chandler alone to puzzle over why his face was hurting so much. He then realized he was smiling.

Author's notes
So this is my first fanfic... I'll try to update regularly (I'm thinking at least once a week?) Hope you liked this first part ☺️

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