Chapter 1

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"Drinks on me boys!" A young girl with flaming hair exclaims upon entering the bar. She heads towards the back of the building and sits across from a bartender with gray, blue eyes and light purple hair.

"What did you do this time?" The boy asks.

"Drinks first, questions later." The boy knows not to argue and proceeds to prepare a large tub of ale.

"Alright, now tell me what you were up to."

"Nothing much. I just broke into a minor building and got some important papers. "

"What building?"

"Just that building, you know, the one in the center of the city."

"Please tell me you don't mean The Tower."

"It wasn't as secure as they say."

"Are you still on that crazy hunt of yours? Because you know you'll never succeed. They're saying it's the King of Tenebrificous, and you know that he's supposed to be the most powerful man of all time. I've heard he can control darkness, that it listens to his every word. There's no way you can stop him. Just be grateful that you're not on Nacarat because if the reports are true, there's no saving them."

"Nacarat is my home. If my people are still alive, I will free them. But, if not, I will do whatever it takes, kill whoever I must, to get revenge."

"Luv, what about me? Would you kill me?" A man whispers from behind the young girl.

"Back off Jace." The girl responds while turning to kiss the man.

"I heard you bought everyone drinks, so I take it your little excursion went well."

"Of course it did."

"Now, what was it you said about killing?"

"Nothing, let's go dance."

"We can't right now. I just stopped in here to get you because we need your sort of expertise."

"And why would I help you?"

"You do remember who's house you're living in right? And, plus, it'll be fun. It's not like you have anything better to do." The girl sighs, knowing that she can either help Jace or be locked out of the house for the night. Without any additional questions, the girl follows Jace out of the bar, leaving behind a large emerald coin for her friend at the bar. The bartender tries to bid her farewell, but as suddenly as she appeared, she is gone.


Outside the molding establishment, the girl is nowhere to be seen, but the blonde haired man who confronted her earlier continues walking as though she is right beside him. When she suddenly appears out of thin air, Jace doesn't make a noise but continues on his way.

"You should really just give up. You're never going to scare me. Don't forget that I couldn't see a thing for nine years before you found me."

"I know, but it's worth a try. One day I will scare you. Now, where is it that we're going this time?"

"Home. We need to prepare. The Boswells are back in full force." The girl nods her head in understanding, refraining from saying anything else. As she moves, the light seems to embrace her in a halo, drawing attention to her and her companions appearance. The light shines upon them showing an image of ice and fire, with the boys blonde hair and dark blue eyes and the girls flaming orange hair and golden eyes. The young girl smiles as she skips along the cobblestone streets while the man seems to have a permanent scowl plastered on his face. The two present a strange image that seems to be ignored by all passersby. The people walking along nearby streets seem to avoid all eye contact with the pair; some even cross the road to avoid all contact with them. One would think that the two are just an ordinary couple on their way home, but the locals seem to know otherwise. As soon as the two are out of earshot, the people occupying the streets restart their conversations, adding whispers about the terrifying couple. They whisper horrid stories about how the young man, whom they call Scythe for his signature use of a jet black scythe, once killed a child for bumping into him. For every story that they tell about Jace, they mutter ten times as many about the mysterious woman always seen with him. Some call her an angel sent from the Gods while others call her the Shadow Slayer because she seems to always have a glow surrounding her that can cut through darkness. No one knows where she comes from or her true name, but they all know stories of the horrible acts she is said to have committed over the years. Despite her and her friend's supposed crimes, they remain free people, wandering around the streets and drinking in bars as if they haven't a care in the world.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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