two: falling

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"So is your problem gone or do I have to worry that you're going to mess up your pants?" Niall asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes and wave him off as I grab a drink and stare at Louis. He looks uncomfortable here, he's got people to talk to but he looks bored to say the least. I wave Marcus over.

"Do you think I shall go speak with the duke?" I ask. Marcus nods and mentions to me something about what he likes but I figure that I'll figure that out by talking to him.
"Good luck prince." Niall says earning a nod from Liam. I nod and walk over towards the group of girls hovered around Louis.

They all disperse upon my arrival and I bow slowly to the duke.

"Nice to meet you, I'm prince Harry." I say softly. He looks uncomfortable already and I haven't even said anything else.
"Hello prince Harry. My name is Louis. But most people just call me the duke." Louis says. I nod and signal for Marcus to bring us a drink.

"So welcome to the party life. I'm sure this is nothing like the balls you have hosted." I say. Louis smiles but I can tell it's forced.
"I actually do not host any balls mainly because I am not overly fond of them." Louis says. I nod and hand him a drink once Marcus brings them over.

"And why is that? Surely you are used to the atmosphere that they bring." I say. Louis just shrugs as he takes a sip of his drink.
"Well I am not very social prince Harry, I suppose you have heard this before?" Louis says. I shrug and take a sip of my drink.
"I do not listen to town gossip. I only focus on talking to who I want to." I say. Louis nods and glances at my ring clad fingers.

"You're a Styles yes? My parents would roll over in their grave if they knew I was talking to you and enjoying myself." Louis says. I hum and glance over his outfit once more.
"I am indeed. My parents are encouraging this talking actually." I say earning a raise of the eyebrow from Louis. I glance at Marcus and he gets the message and walks off.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" I ask softly. Louis seems to consider his options and then nods. I reach for his hand and he just leads the way. I follow behind him and we walk in silence which is driving me crazy.

"So Harry what do you enjoy doing?" Louis asks. He's slowed his pace and I can now keep up with him.
"Well I am currently interested in watching shows and messing around. My mother frowns upon both however so I have gotten into playing rugby. She hates that too however. How about yourself?" I ask softly. Louis just shrugs as he seems to consider what he should say.

"I'm into reading and I occasionally play some football with my friends." Louis says. The way he says friends seems forced but I shrug it off.
"So you're not into dating then?" I ask. Louis glances at me and just smiles.
"Depends on who I'm talking to. I am 16, so I plan to stay single for a while." Louis says. I hum and take a seat on a bench, Louis following.

"Why would such a gorgeous boy want to stay single?" I ask softly. Louis blushes and turns away.
"Personal reasons." Louis says. I glance at him and reach a hand up to his face, grinning when he doesn't pull away.
"Don't do anything you'll regret later." Louis says. I shake my head and lean in and give Louis a soft kiss. He doesn't pull away, he relaxes and I press my lips against his, a little harder this time.

Louis reaches a hand up and tangles his fingers in my curls and pulls me closer to him. I press my lips harder against his as I trail my hand down his torso and to his crotch.
"I'm not getting a hand job in the garden of your best mates home." Louis says pulling back slowly. I pout as I fix my crown.

"Who said anything about a hand job? Maybe I was going to take you right here." I say. Louis gulps and shakes his head as he adjusts himself in his pants.
"Come back to the palace with me, we can be alone there." I say softly. Louis just shakes his head as he stands up.

"This was a mistake. I should get going." Louis says. I shake my head and grab his hand.
"Look, I know what people probably say about me. And while I have had my fair share of blow jobs, I promise I'm waiting until I find someone important. Don't think I'm just trying to get in your pants." I say. Louis just shrugs as he bites his lip nervously.

"Everyone already looks at me weirdly. I don't need them thinking I'm sleeping around with my families rival." Louis sighs. I pout and pull him close to me.
"I'll go to your place then. Just send me your address we can go later tonight." I say. Louis hums and kisses me softly.

"Give me one dance and I promise I'll be cordial later." I say. Louis sighs reluctantly but nods.
"You go out a different way and meet up with your mates." Louis says. I nod and give him one more kiss before leaving.

Twenty minutes later I find Louis by the snacks and I manage to convince him to go for a dance.

I can feel stares as I lead him to the dance floor and pull him close to me as the music starts. We dance in perfect unison and I keep my hand on his back as he stares into my eyes.
"You're gorgeous." I say softly. Louis blushes and smiles.

"I've already agreed to allowing you over to my home, you do not have to swoon me any further." Louis says. I laugh and just shrug as we continue to dance.

When we get off the dance floor we both bow and then go our separate ways.

"You two will have gorgeous children." My mother says. I roll my eyes when she isn't looking and take a sip of my drink.
"Your mother and I are leaving. No funny business later on or we'll be discussing it." My father says. I shrug as I nod and turn to Niall and Liam.

"Boys we have plans tonight." I say. Liam sighs as he takes a drink.
"You have plans, we are going to be your cover. Now let's discuss your outfit for tonight. I think you'd look best in skin tight skinny jeans and a button up." Liam says. I shrug as I follow them into Niall's house.

And all I'm thinking about is later at Louis'.

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