Call from: Hermione 🤓 📚  in the Golden Trio 🤓🏒🍕

Accept call.                                   Decline call.

Looking away, Harry turned his phone face downwards as it continued vibrating. "No one. Nothing. It's fine."

"Did that say Hermione?" Draco pressed. "That Granger girl, I mean?"

Not picking up his sandwich again, Harry rubbed the scar on his forehead, not wanting to enter another argument. "It's probably best for her if I don't pick up, anyway. Since we met I've just caused her unnecessary stress, like I have for everyone in my life."

For a moment, Draco's face softened into a worried expression. But then he drew his eyebrows together. "Shut up."

"What?" Harry asked, shocked, looking upwards.

Coming closer, Draco repeated himself. "I said shut up. You have so much in life, stop being a- a dick to yourself."

Taken aback at Draco's harshness, Harry just stared at him. Maybe... maybe Draco was right. Maybe he was treating himself unfairly. Nevertheless, Harry scowled. "How dare you assume I have everything, Malfoy?"

Matching his expression, Draco didn't break eye contact. "That's what it looks like to me."


Less than an hour before Draco had arrived at Privet Drive, he was up in his room on his phone.

"-but what my point is, is that she was definitely into me." Pansy's crackly voice came from the phone as her face glitched across the screen from where she was in her apartment. "Some people just can't handle a hot bartender. That includes the chicks. I'm irresistible."

"Sure you are," Draco laughed, tilting his head back. "Can you believe our parents would see us married?"

Pansy screwed her face together. "Ew. I'm rather fond of not having to think about that, Draco."

"I'll have to agree with you there," Draco rolled around on his bed so that he was on his stomach, holding himself up with his elbows. "Oh, did you end up se-"

Draco's bedroom door opened and his mother's figure appeared. "Draco."

Shoving his phone down into the bedspread, Draco tried to make it look as though he weren't in a call. Not that he specifically would have gotten in trouble. But growing up in a strict household can do things to a person. "Yes, Mother?"

Narcissa's lips were pursed and she scanned Draco's face with utmost seriousness and concern in her eyes. "Come downstairs, please."

Growing uneasy, Draco sat up. "...Okay. I'll be down in a couple-"

"Right now, Draco."

Quickly pressing the hang up button on the call, Draco slid his phone into his back pocket and followed his mother out of the room. In complete silence, they travelled through hallways and down staircases until they got to a wide room with a long, black, narrow table in the centre.

There was someone at the head of the table, but Draco couldn't see anything other than pale hands on the sides of the chair.

Quickly meeting his son at the door, Lucius whispered into Draco's ear, "Your best behaviour, Draco. And don't pull any funny business. This will get us our reputation back, I won't have you ruining this family's one chance."

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