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A young woman sighed as she slowly walked down the road, her arms behind her head in a relaxed manner and her face turned to the darkening sky. As she neared the cement tunnel at the edge of the forest, the sounds of familiar smacks of punches and pitiful whimpers reached her ears, and got louder as she approached the group. Around five young adults, both male and female were crowded around something on the ground in the dark tunnel. A few turned to her in surprise when her footsteps reached them.

She looked down at what they were kicking at. A girl her age was curled in a ball on the dirty ground, her hair a mess and her arms attempting to protect her face. Suddenly, she looked up and gazed at the other girl tearfully. She silently pleaded with her to help her, to do something, to stop them.

She only smiled.

With a sigh, she held up her hand, signaling for her friends to stop. For now. She turned to them and frowned, faking anger. "You guys are beating up Natalie? Poor old Natalie? Shame on you!" She then turned to look down at her, and grinned widely.

"For not inviting me!" She raised her leg and swung at her face. A satisfying crack and she fell to the ground with a cry. The girl's friends cheered and she smirked triumphantly as blood gushed from the other girl's now broken nose. The gang of teenagers continued to assault the girl as unbeknownst to them, a tall figure watched from between the trees in the forest.

The girl on the ground was left to sob and tremble as the group finally left, walking away chuckling and chatting happily amongst themselves. Their footsteps fade away, leaving Natalie alone. It took her a few minutes to catch her breath. Sniffling and panting, she raised her hands and looked at them. They were dirty and wet, now stained with a few drops of blood. Her lip trembled at the sight of this.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching slowly. They echoed around the tunnel walls, making her tremble. Fearing that her attackers had returned, she glanced around her urgently, her eyes wide. Her brown eyed gaze stopped on a figure in front of her. Natalie slowly looked up.


The young woman was leading the group down the road the way she came, she listened as they chattered and simply replied with hums and nods when they asked her questions. As they walked down the darkening streets, one by one they began to drift off towards their houses. Eventually, the last one walking was the woman, until she too arrived at home.

Her keys jangled as she unlocked the door, immediately throwing off her boots once she was inside. She didn't notice the drops of blood staining them, that or she didn't care. As she walked tiredly to her bedroom, she internally acknowledged the pictures on her walls but chose not to glance at them. With a yawn and a final stretch, she slammed the door behind her and jumped into bed.

This young woman's name was Y/N. Y/N closed her e/c eyes and shifted comfortably under the warm blankets, soon falling into a deep slumber.

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