Chapter 2- my home life

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Hi! This will include about abuse that I've kind endured and I will be writing it.  So a tw
I was still reading my book. I heard the front door open and slam into the wall. She did that when she was drunk. She had a problem with liquor. I held my breath. She started walking to my room.
"Hey." She yells
She got angry and started looking through my room. She tossed thing everywhere. Pulling out drawers.
"Clean this fucking pig sty" she screams
She grabs my collar and pushes me against my wall. She knocks a picture frame off my wall. She brushes her knuckles against my cheek. She pulled me down and pushed me into my bedside table. She lets go of me and I say on the ground. I let her think I'm not moving.  I wait till I get her move to another room. I pull my self up. My check was bruised and my forehead was cut. I grabbed my bag from my purse and my key chain. I grab a coat from my closet and go to the window. I put it on and open the window. I reach the tree and climbed down. My arms were scratched from the bark. I walk behind into my alley and go to the mail road. I planned on going to Shota's house. He didn't live that far and I had a key for his place.  I walk to his door. I knock to no answer. I grab my key from my bag and unlock the door. I here movement from upstairs. I thought if yelling hello but I noticed something. There was a pair of bright shoes. Shota would never wear these. He had company but I'm not able to go home. I took of my boots and walk to his couch. I know where the blankets are and grab one. I lay on the couch and put my blanket over me. I close my eyes and breath till I close my eyes.

I felt one hand push at me. I open my eyes. Hazashi is standing over me. His hair is surprisingly down. He looks at me. He's sleepy.
"Your head?" He ask
"It's fine" I nibble placing my hand on it.
He grabs my arm and helps me up. He drags me to the kitchen. Hizashi sits me in a chair. Shota walks over to me. He pokes and prods at my wound.
"You should've got me, kid." He lectures
"You seemed busy." I laugh
He rolls his eyes.
"Do you want something to eat?" Hazashi asks
I shake my head
"I better get home, my rooms a mess." I said
Shota nods. I get up
"Thanks for the stay," I wave before I leave.
I walk to my house from the same route. I open the front door instead of the window. Nobody is home but the place is a mess. I start by picking up all the stuff that was knocked over. I pick up a broken glass and throw it out. Finished the first floor and I went to the second. In my room all my stuff was knocked over. I picked up clothes and papers and put them in order. This was a usually occurrence at my house. My mom tells me not to clean it but she gets home too late to even help. It makes me feel better to be in a clean and tidy house.

Someone knocked on my door. I run down stairs to get the door. I loop through the peephole it's the post man. I open the door
"Hello <address>?" He ask
"Yes it is!" I smile
"There you go!" He passes me a letter
I flipped the letter over to see it says UA High. oh it must be my results. My palms sweat. This letter decided my fate. I open the envelope: a small round disk falls out into my hand.

"Mrs Y/N, it is with great pleasure i welcome you into our school. you scored 65 Damage points and 70 heroic points. you will be attending class 1-A!" All might chimes from a hologram.

wait-what. i got in. the highest class as well? i cant believe it. What? i grab my cell phone in my hand. i'm so excited. I attempt to call my mom, hopefully she calls pucks up. not the first time but second she picks up.

"mom? i did it." i attempt t not cry in excitement 

"what?" she asks

"1-a mom." i giggle

"oh my honey i'm so proud." she said "when do you start?"

"2 days." 

we talk for a while before she hangs up to go back to work. she sounded busy so she won't be home tonight. im so excited. i cant believe its true. i did it.

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