Chap. 5

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Carl's Pov:

I'm so worried. And angry. I have to be here with kids. Kids! Although I am worried about Faith. She is so tired all the time. I'm so worried she might have the sickness; but she hasn't been coughing or anything, so I think her body just needs to shut down time to time.

I leaned over a sleeping Faith. She looked so peaceful.


"Yes?" I asked to Lizzy who stood in the door way to Faith and I's room.

"Is Faith OK? She isn't sick, is she?"

"Yeah, she's OK."

"Oh, OK. Do you know where Carol is?"

"Lizzy! For the last time! You can't leave this place! Stop asking!" Yes, I have gone back to 'grumpy a**' as Daryl puts it. I can't help it; Faith is asleep I have no one to make me smile; unless it was Judith, but she's with Beth, and I can't see her.

"Whatever Carl. You need to stop acting like she's gone. Whatcha gonna do when she doesn't wake up? Doesn't love you anymore? Doesn't-"


Okay, maybe that was a little too harsh. She ran out of the room crying. Finally, maybe she will now leave me alone.

"Hey Carl, how ya doin'?"

"Hey Faith. Think you can walk around?" I asked, still worried for her health.

"Ya, can you help me up?" Well, in her defence, she was on the floor and hadn't walked for a few days. Don't judge!

"Okay, here we go." I warned her, pulling her up as I said it.

"Oh man, does it feel good to walk again!" I laughed at her enthusiasm.

"OK! OK! Take it slow, Faith." I smiled at her as I lead her out side our room.

Lizzy's Pov:

I can't belive Carl! First, he wouldn't talk, let alone look at anyone, and would disapear everyday, only to come back as depressed as before. Now, Faiz or whatever shows up, and Carl, Carol, Rick, Glenn, even Daryl, smile more now. AND she gets to know about what the 'main group' tells her everything about what happened to them, and all I get was that they had more pwople, and they had been all over half of Georgia.

But I'll show him; I'll show him I can be strong; I can be better than Faiz; I will be with Carl; even if I have to eliminate her first... and I know just how to...

Hey y'all! Sorry its short, but I did update a few minutes ago, and I will update again today, but I have something to do first, but it will be today! Hope you can wait that long...epicnoseyme, I'm lookin' at you. ;)

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