Chapt: 2

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I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard Brand tell Mikey to feed the fish mouth leaving my side, also leading him slamming the screen door on chunk which I just chuckled at and opened it for him. "Flunked your driver test" mouth whispered in brands ear. "Shut ur mouth" he hissed I looked at him "like he will"I muttered causing brand to chuckle, Brand and I got on well but not as well as I did with Mikey

"Listen, okay. You guys will never believe me. There was two cop cars,okay. And they were chasing this four wheel deal, (it was this real neat ORV), and there were bullets flying all over the place. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!" Chunk rambled on I swear I zoned out. "More amazing than the time Michael Jackson came over and used your bathroom?" Mikey piped up. "More amazing than the time you saved those old people from that nursing home fire, right?" I stated causing chunk to glare over at me leaning against the door frame I just put my hands up in surrender "Don't look at me like that." I scolded and he looked away from me

"Yeah, and I bet it was even more amazing than the time you ate your weight in Godfather's Pizza, right?" Mouth asked. "Okay Squint, Michael Jackson didn't come over to my house, to use the bathroom. But his sister did!" Chunk said sounding too exited I then got distracted by Data standing in his window 'oh shit' I thought. Data's James bond music started playing as he got onto his zip line "Okay Data, don't mess this one up, and prepare for the Wings of Flight." I heard Data say to himself.

"Uh oh! Screen door!" Mikey yelled turning towards mouth "Open the screen door!" We were all yelling. "Squint! The screen door!" Data yelled Mikey bolted towards it almost knocking me over but mouth managed to catch me "Thanks Mouth" I started feeling my cheeks flush "no problem" mouth said smirking causing me to nudge him playfully. Data crash lands through the door into all of us we all fall over. Data, Mikey, Me and then Mouth. His arms wrapped around my waist and I didn't want to move but I had to otherwise I'll be teased about it by all the boys and lord have mercy I didn't want that to happen at all

Chunk end up catching a tall porcelain ornament that topples from and end table. Chunk is well-known for his clumsiness and is proud of having caught it in one piece. "Well hello squint!" Mouth said smiling at me "hello mouth" I said playfully rolling my eyes but we both ended up staring into each others eyes for a good few seconds, being the idiot I am I instantly got up off the floor and held my hand out to mouth, he looked hurt and got up himself. Shrugging I wandered into the kitchen and sat at the table wanting to be alone for a little while after all the commotion, sometimes the boys were too much for me to handle and sometimes I'd rather be on my own

~Mouth's POV~

"Oh my God!" Mikey yells "You idiot!!" Brand shoots but somehow chunk pulls it up in one piece or at least I thought. "Oh my God." Mikey repeated "what?" Chunk asked. He never learns!

"That was my mums favourite piece!!" Mikey yelled, "You wouldn't be here if it wasn't." I joked. "Shut up mouth!" Both brand and Mikey yelled data being data changed the subject "Hey, any of you guys ever hear of Detroit?" He asked "No" Mikey responds still freaking about the statue which made me smirk.

I wonder what Y/N is doing in the kitchen. I tried checking but I could only see her back, I sometimes wonder if we get too much for her

The Goonies ~Mouth X female Reader~ Where stories live. Discover now