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I woke up at 7:30 this morning, slamming my Alarm going off in my ear...I plan to be the first goonie up at mikey's house this morning because I'm always last. Jumping out of bed I grabbed some green shorts and a black tank top with a brown belt. I hopped into the shower so I felt cleaner this morning, after I climbed out the shower and changed into: This

 I hopped into the shower so I felt cleaner this morning, after I climbed out the shower and changed into: This

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I brushed my teeth and ran downstairs grabbing an apple and my mini black backpack and hopped onto my bike. On the way to mikey's I thought about how I get to see all the others after a few days since I've been grounded, I'm more or less excited to see mouth. I can't keep lying to myself about the crush I have on him otherwise I'll just stay in denial for the rest of my life while another girl walks in a steals him away from me.
~Time skip: to mikey's~

I hopped off my bike at mikey's house and saw mouth combing his hair in the door. I noticed brand roll his eyes once seeing mouth combing his hair. 24/7 he has the comb on him, he did look kind of silly carrying that comb around all the time. "Eyyyy! Squint!" Mouth shouted at me, yeah they call me squint. Just because I can't see properly and I need to squint to see clearer, it was all mouths idea I smiled at him and climbed over Mikeys gate.

Mouth threw his arm around me as I made it to the front door and I acted as if that didn't effect me, apart from the small blush rising to my cheeks.

I rolled my eyes, he doesn't need to know that I actually enjoyed the current situation "what do you want mouth?" I muttered shrugging his arm off my shoulders we both walked in "Hey, Meekey. Yo Mikey. Eh, Mikey, seen Adrian? Hey guys, what's going down?" I chuckled as he was trying different accents towards the other two
"Get your foot off the table, Mouth." Band hissed sounding annoyed I chuckled "hey brand!" I exclaimed ruffling his hair causing him to try squat my hand away from him.

"You got it. What's going down guys? Hey, what's the matter with you guys? Come on? What's the matter? What is this, a nuclear Saturday or something? Come on, guys. This is our last weekend together, last "Goonie" weekend. We got to be goin' out in style, cruisin' the coast, sniffin' some lace, downin' some brews...but nooo. The one older brother had to go and screw it up, by flunking your driver's test?" Mouth said mocking brand "Mouth!" I hissed at him trying to get him to shut up mouth just rolled his eyes at me. Well that was rude

"Don't know what to do with ya, kid." Brand said sighing slightly. All of a sudden we heard chunk yelling outside " Hey guys, I just got the're not gonna believe!" He sounded out of breath like he ran here "JERK ALERT!" Mouth yelled "it's just chunk" I said looking towards mouth he just shrugged and we leaned on the door frame. "I'm not lyin'. I just saw the most amazing thing in my entire life!" Chunk was insisting. I went to let chunk in using the contraption Mikey made but mouth stopped me by holding me back by the wrist and shaking his head. What's he up to?

"Wait a second" he whispered to me, I just rolled my eyes and leaned back on the door frame "First you gotta do the Truffle Shuffle" Mouth said with a sly smirk on his face oh dammit mouth why do you looks so cute- you know what imma just stop myself right there

"Come on..." chunk whined
"Do it...." mouth said
"But squints here!" Chunk argued back
"Hey!" I exclaimed
"For that need to do it!" Mouth insisted. I was about to say something until chunked yelled "fine!" chunk climbs onto a dead tree stump near the gate.

He rolls up the lower half of his shirt, makes a strange facial expression, and then shakes himself. The layers of fat on his chest and abdomen jiggle as he makes all sorts of silly sounds to accompany. Mouth giggles hysterically. "Mouth was this necessary?" I said looking at him as he was dying from laughing so much "y—yeah I-It W—was!!" He said in between laughs I just smiled his laugh is adorable. Mikey came out "cut it out mouth!" He said sounding irritated. I can't lie if I didn't like mouth then I would be irritated as well

Mikey pulls on a cord which raises a tin bucket, releasing a bowling ball. It rolls across the railing and falls into another bucket. A long and complex chain reaction occurs, ultimately turning on the sprinkler, the rotation of which pulls open the gate for Chunk, "surprises me every time" I said looking over the contraption Mikey had made. "It's nothing new" mouth said sounding annoyed at something "just saying" I chuckled lightly and put my hands up in surrender. What's his problem?

The Goonies ~Mouth X female Reader~ Where stories live. Discover now