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As he sit down next to me he looks at me and back at his part of the table and open his book for the class. As we are in the middle of class he ask me what my name is and I said why do you wanna know that than he replied with " just curious". Than I said my name is y/n. He nods and smirk a little. That was a little creepy I thought by myself and I asked what his name is and his name is Jackson. I think its a nice name but that doesn't make him any better.

~time skip to the lunch break~
I bought some food in the cafeteria and went to a random table that was empty so I can eat in peace but my peace got disturbed when I had the feeling somebody looked at me so I looked around and I saw Jackson looking at me from a distance with a smirk. I looked away as fast as I could so he wouldn't notice me and eat my sandwich. But someone was looking at me from my back and I saw Jackson looking at that guy that was standing a few meters away from me and he was smirking to Jackson and Jackson was pissed. I don't know if they have a problem together or something like that but than Jackson walked towards me and sat down next to me and he said if we can go outside I said sure why not and we went outside. He said that there was a guy standing a few meters away from me and smirking at me and at you. Jackson said that I have to stay away from him because he is a bully and because I'm new here I din't know that. And I said sure thanks for the information Jackson and smiled at him. The bell rang and I went to my next class with Jackson. When we were walking that guy from the cafeteria stared at us again what is his problem. Whe had math, history, biology and gym. Than it was time to go home and it was beginning to get darker but I went to the bus and went home. I came home and made some homework and it was already 5:30 pm so I began to make dinner for myself (I know how to cook) I made some spaghetti bolognese with some parmesan and as dessert some vanilla ice with whipped cream and sprinkles cuz idk it was yummie. When I was done with my food I get upstairs to get a warm shower cuz it was a buzzy and weird day.

So when I was done with my shower I watched some Netflix (any serie or movie you like) and I went to bed

~Friday morning~
I woke up as I stared my morning routine blah blah blah. And my breakfast was cereal with some fruit and went to school.

I arrived at school and walked to class. I entered the class and Jackson was there and other students. I sat down and not next to Jackson because of yesterday. The teacher came in and she told us about a school project and she was making pares.

Fabian with ben
Jamie with angel
Kai with Lisa
Mark with keano
Dan with kristal
Anne with lizzy
Brandon with franky
And Jackson with y/n

I looked at my back and Jackson was smiling at me and I was just looking at him and back to my workbook. The pares had to sit next to each other so I went to Jackson and sat down. I have to make a book review and a song for English. Jackson asked if I can come to his house or if he can come to me. I said you can come to me. I said that he can come to me because I'm scared to go outside at night so you can come to me I said. Sure than Im coming to your house he said. And he asked when we can make that togheter? I said tomorrow or if we are done with school. Jackson said if we can today I said sure but im with the bus yea and im with my car so I can bring us to your house Jackson said. That's an option

731 words

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